Iran decided to join forces with Russia to fight cyber threats


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Tehran approves information security cooperation project with Russia.

The Islamic Consultative Council of Iran (Majlis) has approved the contents of the report of the parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy on the draft law on the agreement on cooperation between Iran and Russia in the field of information security. This was reported by the IRNA news agency.

"The agreement on cooperation in the field of information security between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Government of the Russian Federation, consisting of an introduction, 9 articles and one annex, is approved and the exchange of documents on it is allowed," the report says.

The report of the Parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy on this bill was included in the agenda and received the support of 180 deputies with 27 against.

Before the vote, the representative of the commission, Abolfazl Amui, in defense of the bill, said that relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation have various aspects, and this agreement in the field of information security will contribute to their improvement. He also stressed the successful implementation of agreements between the two countries in the field of culture, transit and trade, and expressed hope for further development of cooperation in the field of information security.