Invisible skimmers: a new word in credit card fraud


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A new type of credit card reader (skimmer) has been discovered in Europe. This is reported in his blog by security specialist Brian Krebs, who received information from the European ATM Security Team, a non-profit organization dealing with ATM security issues. Instead of classic overlay scanners, attackers use a small device that is installed inside the ATM next to the card slot through a specially drilled hole. After this, the hole is covered with a sticker, making the skimmer almost impossible to notice.

The skimmer is connected inside the ATM to the card reader and works on the principle of wiretapping. The attacker fishes out the wires coming from the reader through the hole, connects the device to them, and then it interprets the data transmitted by the reader.

Devices for stealing information from cards are becoming more sophisticated, and they are becoming increasingly difficult to detect. Just this summer, a new type of skimmer was discovered , which is not designed as an overlay on the card reader slot, but is inserted directly inside. It consists of two metal plates, an electronic circuit and a battery, which allows the device to operate autonomously for a couple of weeks. The device does not remember the data, but immediately transmits it to a receiver located nearby.


Due to the inexorable movement of progress, it is necessary to follow basic safety rules - use ATMs located in crowded, well-lit places, preferably where there are surveillance cameras. In addition, you should always carefully inspect the ATM for any suspicious modifications. And cover the input of the PIN code with your hand - no matter what the skimmer is, the scammers need to read your PIN code, therefore, complete with the skimmer, there must be a video camera somewhere on the ATM or next to it.