Introduction to Tor & very useful Tor trick.


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Free trick #1: Choose your IP address in Tor.

I'm sure many of you know what Tor is. It's not the best setup for security when carding, but I am here to help some n00bs aswell! lol. Anyway, its an onion router. google more information about it if you want. It basically gives you access to a huge amount of proxies whenever you want. All you have to do is download the Tor software (Tor Browser Bundle). You can download it from here:

However, some of you may realise that for certain carding adventures, you need to change your IP address to something specific. I am going to show you how to change your IP address to something specific, if you PM me privately. It is not something I want floating around in a post randomly. If people with +5 rep or more msg me about it I will be more than happy to help.

Enjoy an easy to use proxy service with loads of proxies to choose from! :D Just click "new identity" everytime you want a new IP address.
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[...] It is not something I want floating around in a post randomly. If people with +5 rep or more msg me about it I will be more than happy to help.[...]

Seriously? Bad rep for you man..

To use specific nods you will have to enter them in the torrc file.
Find you torrc file, on my computer it was placed here
Add this to the file

ExcludeNodes <slow>,<slow>,<slow>
EntryNodes <fast>,<fast>,<fast>
ExitNodes <fast>,<fast>,<fast>
StrictEntryNodes 1
StrictExitNodes 1

Put some slow nodes in <slow> and fast nodes where is says <fast>.

EntryNodes, say that you live in Africa, then chose african nodes here.
Let us say that you have us cc and the store checks for us IP. The put some us nodes at ExitNodes.

StrictEntryNodes, when put to 1 it uses only the nodes you have chosen in EntryNodes.
Same with StrictExitNodes but now with ExitNodes.

To get nodes open up vidalia and press on Network, now you will see a big list with nodes in the new window to the left. This is how my torrc file looks like

#ExcludeNodes Convoglio,TorExitPalmTreeFire,little
#EntryNodes nononononon,PimpMyRide,kio01
#ExitNodes xhyG5r96QGlRqL,packetstorm,TommysTorServer
#StrictEntryNodes 1
#StrictExitNodes 1

## SWE
#ExcludeNodes Convoglio,TorExitPalmTreeFire,little
#EntryNodes nononononon,newzbin,hottuna
#ExitNodes micksrelay,doingood,PimpMyRide
#StrictEntryNodes 1
#StrictExitNodes 1

You MUST remove # if you want the code to be used cuz everything to the right of # is a comment.

If you just want to use tor as a proxy you could use your country as both the entry & exit nodes, this makes it a little bit faster.
