Interviews with top carders


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(TN): How long have you been doing carding? Tell us about how and why you got involved in this? What was the first case you pulled off?

Carder 1 (C1): Seriously engaged in clothing carding for about a year, quit 4 months ago. The first thing they sent was a simple digital camera. I was as happy as an elephant then. In general, I didn't intend to become a carder, I just knew that there were such people. But somehow a friend pointed me to one of the carder forums. At first I read it out of curiosity, then I decided to try it. I bought information about several credit cards with my own money, and off we went. I quit carding because two people cheated on me in a row. They threw money at expensive electronics that I ordered, but didn't receive my share. I just gave up and didn't want to continue. Carding is actually a very nerve-wracking activity.

TN: How seriously do you care about your privacy? For example, do you change apartments for the purpose of secrecy? Do you trust private information to trusted people?

C1: Only paranoid people change apartments. I trust the information. It is much more important not to chat left and right about your occupation to all your friends and acquaintances. VG: It is enough to understand what you are doing and how it can affect your future future. For example, this interview... In my opinion, it turned out to be a good thought out loud about nothing. For me there are no proven or untested people. There are friends, and there are those with whom I only have business contacts.

TN: In your opinion, is carding definitely theft or a passion for knowledge about the structure of payment systems?

C1: Carding is theft that is not clearly directed against a person. Banks and online stores suffer losses from carders, but not specific people.

Carder 2 (C2): I didn't come up with the term. And the one who invented it gave a specific explanation for it. Carding is fraud using credit cards and everything related to them (which is why everyone who was tried for carding was tried for fraud, and not for theft).

TN: Do you have a legal job? If yes, tell us about it, if not, why don't you get a job, and who would you prefer to work with?

C1: I'm a first-year student at a university. In the future, work will be related to information security. It is quite possible that information will have to be protected from the same carders.

C2: Legal or hired? There is a legal one, but there was a hired one (when you work in a company), even a few, but... In general, I will be happy to get a job when our country starts paying workers properly, and not at 800-1500 dollars a month with 10 hour busy. 225 At the same time, your boss drives new six hundred and seven every day, and his son, who works with you, but on a 2-hour daily schedule and 2-3 days a week out of five, receives $5,000. And then “for ice cream.” I would prefer to work in one of the special structures. For example, with the letter F.

TN: How difficult is it to be a carder now? What knowledge and qualities do you need to have first? What are the specifics of modern carding, has anything changed compared to previous years?

C1: Now carding is going through not the best of times. Knowledge depends on the direction of carding. If this is the Internet, then you need to be able to organize protection and anonymity well. If this is real carding, then NLP techniques and charm will come in handy.

C2: Nothing has changed. Carding has always been an activity for morons. This is not hacking, which requires knowledge of operating systems and programming. There is no need to have any specialized knowledge in carding. Most of the "current" carders are very stupid people who don't know how to do ANYTHING except steal something somewhere.

TN: What are the most popular carding methods now? Which ones are considered the most professional (requiring high qualifications)?

C1: There is no most popular way, everyone earns as much as they can. The most professional hacks are probably banking data transmission channels and various electronic signature encryption algorithms.

C2: The most popular are probably auctions. Because they require a minimum of knowledge. More precisely, they are not required at all. The most professional one is most likely plastic. You at least need to understand the structure and algorithm of operation.

TN: In your opinion, what is the ratio of serious carders (people who study new cash payment systems in depth and implement their own methods of bypassing security) to guys looking for easy bread with a minimum amount of time?

C1: A huge number of people revolve around carding, but only one percent of them actually do anything. In principle, there is no light bread in carding. Maybe in 1997 you could get into something without bothering to study the topic, but not now.

C2: There are very few seasoned people now. 70%, if not more, are riffraff who stupidly copy/paste information from some paypal.txt text file into a web browser. Yes, they may know all the settings and capabilities of accounts in this payment system, but personally, I do not consider this serious knowledge in the field of carding, since most users who use the system legally know all this.

TN: Do you think carding has a “narcotic effect”? Is there an addiction to easy money, and how serious is it?

C1: There is something like that. Once, with a temperature of 40, I couldn't leave the computer because my heart rate was so bad.

C2: It has the effect of realizing what a mess we live in in our country and how absurd and insignificant life is here. Although it's different for everyone. Here, again, everything depends on the person himself. For some, this is nothing more than a game, the goal of which is to do something nasty to someone else.

TN: How active are law enforcement agencies now in fighting carders? How successful are they at this? What organizations deal with carding issues? What usually causes carders?

C1: They are fighting, and even quite well. The FSB is engaged in this together with banks. There are raids about once every six months. Carders are caught due to their carelessness, as well as due to setups.

C2: In my opinion, there is no activity on their part at all. It's not like idiots work there either. They understand that it makes no sense for them to waste their energy, time and money on “saving” citizens of the United States (or any other country). Do the work that foreign police should do. Although they are fighting with the scumbags who are trying to cheat here (on Russian territory). But, in my opinion, there are very few of them. They are mainly dealt with by the internal security service of a particular bank.

TN: Have you personally had any problems with the cops? If yes, tell us how you got caught and why. How did it all end?

C1: I didn't have any problems. But there was a case when I was carding all evening, and then I noticed that I was working without a proxy server. That is, they could potentially track me down without any problems. Then I walked the streets for a week, looking around. Everything seemed like I was being watched.

C2: Me? Problems? What are you talking about? I am a law-abiding citizen and pay my taxes honestly.

TN: What basic rules should every carder know (if he doesn't want to get bullied)?

C1: Anonymity must be maintained. Work with people you trust. And don't talk too much about what a cool carder you are.

C2: The same as the hacker: don't show your IP, don't show your data. Simply put, make sure that there is as little evidence of your involvement in any case as possible. Or it didn't exist at all.

TN: Are there professional teams in Russia that have a monthly turnover of funds from carding in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars?

C1: There are. Naturally, I won't name them. Such teams are usually called families. But they cannot be called purely Russian, since they are dispersed throughout the world.

C2: Watch the news on TV, they've been talking about them a lot lately.

TN: Is it now possible to buy shoes for a huge amount at a time using carding? Let's say ten million bucks? How is this possible in general terms?

C1: It's possible, but it's very, very difficult. You can, for example, penetrate the banking network without anyone noticing, and transfer money from several accounts to your own. Then you need to withdraw money from the account before the bank discovers anything, and move to some island in the Pacific Ocean.

C2: Although the definition of carding is still “credit card fraud,” it is actually a broader topic now. It included such areas as fraud with accounts in various payment systems (PAYPAL, for example). Due to the development of Internet technologies and electronic payments, it is possible to “shoe” up to 100 million, but then it will no longer be carding, but hacking. Or as it is officially called in the USA - identity theft. You take someone else's login and password for Internet access to his bank account, and if there are 100 million there, transfer them to your account. As for credit I said earlier, watch TV. It talks about both the methods and the amounts that are available from these methods.

TN: Tell us, what are the most sophisticated security methods currently used in credit cards? And in general terms, ways to bypass them, used by carders.

C1: Yes, there are no new methods as such. Visa, for example, recently took and sharply reduced the percentage of unverified transactions, because of this, many billing offices were closed, and carders lost another opportunity to earn money.

C2: The principle of operation of all credit cards is the same. And in relation to the network, we cannot talk about ways to protect the cards themselves. Here they no longer play any role. Another thing is ways to protect the transfer and storage of information from these cards on the Internet. And these methods, as practice shows, are complete bullshit... Since now 80% (or even 90%) of all carding cases are carried out via the Internet, everything revolves around the theft of information from the Internet. And then everything is as usual...

TN: Is carding in Russia any different from carding in other countries? For example, in America? Maybe there is some specificity.

C1: Every American from birth is worried about his credit history, which includes all major purchases, etc. If a person is involved in something bad, it will immediately affect his credit history. And then they won't give him a loan or hire him. Therefore, the majority of American carders are emigrants from the CIS.

C2: Yeah, it's different. Blacks dominate there.

TN : Is there a carding “scene” as such? Does the carders community have its own stars, legendary personalities? How developed and large is the carding community?

C1: Of course there is. I won't name names. It's hard to evaluate the entire carding community. In Russia, I think there are several thousand people.

TN: What sites/IRC channels are central for carders? Where do really knowledgeable people gather? What are the most worthy online resources on the topic of carding, in your opinion?


C2: Decent people do not gather on websites or thematic carder channels. - they have already written about it. Those interested in carding can go there.

TN: Which countries in the world (and in the CIS) are the leaders in carding activity? Is there any dependence, for example, on the general standard of living?

C1: In the world: Russia, America. In the CIS: Russia, Ukraine. There is no dependence due to the fact that all the money that carders receive is distributed within a small group.

C2: In the world - Indonesia, as well as countries of the former socialist camp. In the CIS - Ukraine, Russia, Baltic states.

TN: Where do you see carding in ten years? Where do you think everything is going?

C1 : In ten years, IMHO, credit cards will finally disappear. But, undoubtedly, there will be people who will engage in electronic fraud with cash flows. In the form in which carding exists now, everything is moving towards the decline of carding.

C2: With the development of wireless technologies and technologies based on this for payment for goods, as well as technologies for “physical” payment with cards via the Internet (when, in order to make a payment on a website, you must insert your or someone else's card into a card reader connected to a computer and enter several pin codes), carding will turn into something between phreaking and hacking. You'll have to steal information and then use it through emulation through some device.

TN: What advice would you give to guys who don't know what carding is and how it works in general, but want easy money and want to become carders?

C1: The main thing is not to hope that money will immediately flow like a river. Carding is a very difficult activity. To begin with, you just need to start hanging out on carder forums, delve into the topic, ask questions. After some time, perhaps some work will turn up. Or you yourself will understand that your knowledge is already enough to practice carding. It is important to understand that no good uncle will explain what is being done and how - you will basically have to figure it out on your own.

C2: Easy money is rare. Therefore, if you want a good and human life, study, get high-quality professional knowledge and leave here @^#! In general, I didn't intend to become a carder, I just knew that there were such people. But somehow a friend pointed me to one of the carder forums. At first I read it out of curiosity, then I decided to try it. I bought information about several credit cards with my own money, and off we went.