Internet of Things in the sky: Drones will replace cloud data centers


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RUDN University mathematicians have developed a new network architecture based on drones.

Mathematicians from the Peoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) have developed an innovative concept for the Internet of Things, suggesting the use of drones for data processing, which will allow us to abandon traditional cloud data centers. This approach helps speed up the network.

The essence of the Internet of Things is to create a network that connects both personal devices of users, and ordinary household and professional appliances. Today, the main problem is finding the optimal combination of functionality and energy efficiency. To solve this problem, scientists from RUDN University have proposed a new network architecture based on the principle of fog computing.

Cloud computing is an intermediate layer between remote cloud centers and end-user devices where data is stored and processed. Scientists from RUDN University have proposed an innovative approach that uses drones for foggy computing. Drones move to places where data processing is required, which reduces response time, as well as increases the reliability and performance of the network infrastructure.


System model

Compared to the traditional Internet of Things network, the use of drones for fog computing shows a noticeable decrease in average latency, especially with a large number of nodes in the network. For example, in a network with 500 nodes, the latency is reduced by almost 2 times, which underlines the effectiveness of the proposed approach. With a network of 100 nodes, the difference is negligible, but still points to the benefits of using drones for foggy computing.

Ammar Muthanna, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Director of the New Generation Wireless Network Modeling Center at RUDN University, emphasizes that flying fog computing is a promising solution that significantly improves network parameters by reducing delays and increasing data processing speed. It is expected that drones will actively move around the city, performing data processing tasks, and all necessary measures will be taken to ensure the safety of such technology.