Interesting story about Petya


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Let me tell you another story)
I had a friend, or rather, he still is, but he is no longer free. If you try to describe him in a few words, it will sound something like this: smart, but stupid. You have probably met such a person at least once, who is simply a master of his craft in some area, but directs his mind in the wrong direction. Well, he is approximately from the same category. And one day he decided to make money, and not $1, but at least $1000.

The story
He was sitting, as usual, on the couch and watching the news. By the way, let's call our character Petya, it's easier to tell. And Petya saw an interesting story about how the same idiot as he robbed his entire neighborhood. Only he did it a little unusually: he found out the date when the receipts for utility bills were delivered, and then in the mailboxes he replaced them with similar ones, only the account number (payment details) were in his name. Well, actually, thanks to these details, they found him instantly. Well, the man had never heard of drops, what can you do...

It's clear that our hero decided to pull off the same scheme, but on a larger scale, not to risk it for $10-20. He took water disposal (or whatever it's called) as his target. Petya was lucky and he lived in a city with a population of about 50k, that is, no one had done such things before, and he decided to be the first. By the way, why water disposal? Residents paid less for other services, and he wanted to get more profit. All that was left was to think through the whole scheme down to the smallest detail and he could get started.

First of all, Petya drew an absolutely identical receipt form in such a way that only the amount, full name and some other details could be edited. But he immediately put the details on a random person, who can be found in 10 minutes on FB. Petya is not stupid, so that later they would find out about him, like that guy from TV, it is better to pay a percentage to a dummy. Then he began to find out from his acquaintances, maybe someone works in the sewerage system. How lucky he was ... Receipts were delivered by an acquaintance of his friend, but in the whole city there was only one. Petya decided to get to know him and they immediately found a common language. Once during a conversation the conversation turned to these very receipts: how many of them there were, for how long he delivered them, how much they paid, etc. This very acquaintance received 30-40k for delivering receipts all over the city and managed in 3-4 days. Then Petya decided to involve social engineering and began to complain about student life, and finally asked him to give this work for 1 month, while asking only $100, and the acquaintance could keep the remaining $200-300 for himself. Well, who would refuse such an offer: you do nothing, and some sucker runs around the city and delivers papers for you, and you also get $200-300 for it. And that's what they decided...

The cherished day came when Petya was given the papers and told to deliver everything in 4 days. Then he sat down at his PC and did not get out of there for a whole day, making copies of receipts with the owners' data, but with his own details. During this day, he managed to make almost half of the copies and the next day they were already lying in the drawers. Then everything repeated itself again: he made copies for a day at the PC, then delivered the rest. Now Petya had only to get comfortable on the couch, scratch his balls and wait for the money. Petya understood how smart he was and now he would be able to buy himself the cherished PC for $1500, which he had dreamed of for so long...

Petya was so smart that he understood: now is the age of information technology and 90% of people pay for services by details in an online bank or through an ATM, so the money would definitely fall to him. And even if people go to pay at the sewerage office, he understood that no one will look at the details there, because the money goes straight into the company's pocket and no one will find it. A couple of days passed, and the drop already had about $500 in its account. Petya was still lying on the couch and scratching his balls, waiting for millions. And then a brilliant idea came to him: it was time to ask the drop for some of his funds, at least to buy human food. Petya wrote to his man with a request to transfer him 30k and since then no one has seen him. Well, Petya was taken away a couple of days later by our valiant defenders of the country. In addition to the real term, he also received a fine for a very round sum.

And a few more words
As you can see, Petya is far from smart. You should not do the same as he did. In general, try not to work according to shady schemes, but from an early age build your crystal business (you don't need to work for your uncle or the state either). So you understand, an act like this can be equated to stealing medals from veterans or stealing bags with pensions from grandmothers. I've said it all, now it's your turn).