Interesting ideas that brought money


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The business world is brutal and has many competitors in every industry. But even in it there are people with simple, original and interesting ideas that help them stand out and make a lot of money on human surprise. Perhaps after reading about what you can make money with, you will have your own ideas.

All of this has only one problem. It is very difficult to call such ideas successful and promising. There were many crazy ideas in the business world that completely failed. But maybe you will find patterns and understand why the ideas presented below took off.

Potato salad​

Many have heard of the Kickstarter site, which allows you to collect a certain amount of money from voluntary donations to startups, creative and scientific projects. The American Zach Brown also had his own project - to collect 10 dollars and make a potato salad for himself. More than seven thousand Internet users have donated over 55 thousand dollars. Quite possibly the most expensive salad in the world.

Stone pet​

What could have motivated people to buy a stone in a cardboard box with hay inside in the 1970s, just that the box itself said “The Pet Rock”.

Gary Dahl from California bought some stones from a nearby store and started his own business. "Production" cost him $ 1, but he sold the stone pet for $ 4. The stone quickly dispersed, because it did not need to be fed, looked after and walked.


A pixel is the smallest graphical unit on a monitor screen. In 2005, an enterprising student came up with the idea of selling ten pixels of his website to advertisers (like a billboard). At the time, a typical LCD monitor had 1,024 pixels.

In less than a year, all the free space on the home page was bought, which brought the creator of the idea about a million dollars. The usefulness of such advertisements is not reported.

Glasses for dogs​

Who would think of sunglasses for dogs, much less buy them? Nevertheless, this idea worked and brought the creators a lot of money. Now Doggles products can be seen in 16 countries. The assortment is no longer limited to glasses, but includes many stylish accessories.

Parent Twitter​

Justin Halpern had a very caustic and talkative father. He constantly came up with new sayings, which his son took advantage of. He began to post on Twitter all the expressions of his father and within a month he was able to support himself on his own. Without making any effort, Halpern began to make good money, was mentioned in famous television shows, and then even published his own book and released his own series.

Saving time on the Internet​

The next idea was doomed to success. If it would be really difficult to predict the recognition of glasses for dogs, then this idea was originally designed for human psychology. In general, a successful business in the 21st century is built on the desire to help lazy people, as well as those who value the minutes of their lives. Only for this you just need to notice which moments annoy people.

Guy King noticed on his own that he was very annoyed by the constant registrations on the sites. And rarely does anyone want to give their mail to strangers, because it is fraught, at least, with spam. Not everyone will agree to spend their time on this boring and pointless operation, so the BugMeNot site instantly creates a username and password for any site on which you register. The project has successfully existed for more than ten years, which speaks of its popularity and usefulness.

Inverted bottle​

A bottle with a special cap appeared in 1991. Its creator Paul Brown patented it and began to sell the rights to it to well-known companies like Heinz, NASA and shampoo manufacturers. His bottle became so popular that Brown sold his company, along with the design rights, for $ 14 million four years later.

Once again, we note that this idea had one important thing that allowed it to become famous - it was useful. Besides, it was a simple thing, so that in theory almost anyone could come up with it.


One day, the wife of a Johnson & Johnson researcher cut herself while cooking. It was 1920. He immediately came up with the idea that something was needed that would stop blood more effectively than simple tissue, and also protect against infections. So the plaster was invented, which is (or should be) in the home medicine cabinet of any sane family.


One of the most ingenious inventions of mankind on the principle of "utility - cost - simplicity". It is said that Spence Silver invented it by accident, but that is not so important. Stickers easily peel off the surface, allow you to leave yourself reminders of something and even build plots for novels or feature films. Creative people have come up with tons of ways to use them.

What interesting ideas from the history of business do you know? Share this in the comments.