Insurance earnings


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Your goal is all the companies that insure health in your city.

You need to start by understanding the general concept of the circuit. How does it work in a normal situation? A person working at dangerous work, playing sports, and whatever, be it ice or an icicle that has fallen from the roof, often risks his health. And knowing that his company / institution is not able to pay for his treatment, he turns to the insurance company for health insurance. To do this, he takes with him a passport and an amount ranging from $ 10 to $ 100 (It all depends on the size of the insured sum, usually it is from $ 2000 to $ 10000). An insurance policy is drawn up for him at the time that will be agreed, usually it is a month / year. Further, the person gets some kind of injury. He goes to the hospital, is treated, receives a certificate. Then he goes to the insurance and receives a percentage of the sum insured.

Now you are familiar with the essence. And now I will write down how, without having injuries, to receive a percentage of the insured amount. I think you had no problems understanding the scheme. The only and main question is how to do it all.

But there are certain snags in insurance. When, even with real insured events, the answer from the company comes "This is not an insured event." In general, not serious insurance companies abandon their clients, so be serious about choosing those. You must check rating of insurance companies first. So that you understand which way to look.

Therefore, even at the stage of choosing an insurer, you should very accurately understand the risks from which you want to insure, and fully indicate them in the contract. (Insurance risk is an event, the occurrence of which is not defined in time and space, independent of the will of a person, dangerous and therefore creating an incentive for insurance; this is the risk that can be assessed from the point of view of the likelihood of an insured event and the amount of possible damage ).

For example, in the contract you have insured the risk of injuries sustained at work, but you did the injury on the street. That is already "Not an insured event".

I advise you to choose an insurance company from the rating that I have already thrown off. You can also try to work with insurance companies that are exclusively in your region, but carefully study the reviews about these companies and, if possible, their history. To conclude an insurance contract, you need a passport, the amount for insurance (from $ 10 to $ 100, that is, you pay $ 10, you are insured for $ 1000, pay $ 100, you are insured for $ 10000 - you will choose this, starting from your opportunities, preferences and conditions of insurance companies). And so we repeat, you need a passport, an amount and a legend. With money and a passport, everything is clear. But with the legend, no. The risks from which you will be insured must be identical to your legend. You choose your own legend based on your preferences and capabilities. Any company, if you are officially employed, then your insurance amount can reach $ 10000 and the insurance policy will cost you $ 100. And if, according to your legend, you are not working officially, then the maximum amount of insurance will be $ 5000.

Go to the Internet, type "Insurance companies (my city)" draw parallels with the rating of insurance companies. Choose a company, call and make an appointment. Come to the meeting with your passport, money and a legend. Ask all sorts of questions to the insurance agent. You should play the role of a person who is trying to insure for the first time in his life, and not a person who will throw this company. First of all, you should be interested in the risks and the price of insurance payments, that is, for what kind of injury they pay how much. Pay money for your chosen insurance plan. And now you have an insurance policy for a year or a month (Depends on how much you are willing to spend).

Now the most interesting thing is how, without having injuries, to have a percentage of the sum insured!

It might seem to you that you will receive all $ 10000 or all $ 5000. This is not realistic, unless of course you want to jump from a skyscraper. It will be about proving to the insurance company that you have an injury and that it complies with the contract. And you will receive money based on the price list of insurance payments. For example, a dislocation or fracture of the cartilage of the nose is paid 5% of the insured amount, and a fracture of the lower jaw 6% of the insured amount. That is, if you have an insured amount of $ 5000 and you have broken your nose, you will receive $ 300. But you will not have to get a fracture, since there are ways to adjust everything so that you have an injury. We are interested in cases without additional evidence of your injury, for example, an X-ray. A doctor's certificate will be enough. For example, about the dislocation of the shoulder joint, which was immediately corrected. And there will be no need for radiography for the reason that it will not show anything with the adjusted dislocation. A correct legend is needed here. I used a legend like this. I am a wrestler who suffered a dislocated shoulder during training. The coach, by virtue of experience, immediately adjusted it. After that I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a dislocation, judging by the symptoms that I described and immediately prescribed treatment. As a result, I received a certificate of dislocation of the shoulder joint. In one of the scams, the insured amount was $ 10000 and the payment for this insured event was 10% of the insured amount. That is $ 1000. Even if you are forced to undergo an X-ray, agree without a second thought, since with not strong dislocations that were immediately corrected, the X-ray shows nothing. Any doctor knows about this, you can even clarify. that he will not show anything with the adjusted dislocation. A correct legend is needed here. I used a legend like this. I am a wrestler who suffered a dislocated shoulder during training. The coach, by virtue of experience, immediately adjusted it. After that I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with a dislocation, judging by the symptoms that I described and immediately prescribed treatment. As a result, I received a certificate of dislocation of the shoulder joint. In one of the scams, the insured amount was $ 10000 and the payment for this insured event was 10% of the insured amount. That is $ 1000. Even if you are forced to undergo an X-ray, agree without a second thought, since with not strong dislocations, which were immediately corrected, the X-ray does not show anything.

First, you need to know what a dislocated shoulder looks like and its right: It is clear from the video that everything is simple. 1 second and the shoulder is in place, with such a dislocation as in the video, an X-ray will not show anything, but there is a fact of dislocation and 100% of the hero of the video is experiencing the corresponding pain. And this is just an insured event. This is a site with information for you about dislocation of the shoulder joint: Treatment of dislocation of the shoulder after reduction - a course of rehabilitation after injury. You need this so that you know how to behave. Since the dislocation is not severe, then you need to say that the shoulder hurts. But you cannot do your old job, for example, you are delivering water and carrying water, you are a carpenter on the roof and you have to carry boards and so on.

Now let's move on to the main thing. Need an official certificate of dislocation of the shoulder joint. If you have relatives or familiar doctors, then you are incredibly lucky. And if not, then here are the main ways to get such a certificate:

1) Come to the clinic and tell the doctor that during training (in any kind of sport) you dislocated your arm and the coach right there set it up for you (you can already describe your "dislocation" as you saw that when a dislocation occurs, your shoulder jumps out and it hurts wildly), but the shoulder hurts and you cannot operate it as before, what to do, doctor? Maybe at the suggestion of the doctor you will pass the regent to check the condition of the ligaments in order to determine the severity of the "dislocation". After that, the doctor prescribes treatment for you, and you ask him to make a certificate, which confirms that you have a dislocation of the shoulder joint. And if something happens, tell me that a certificate is needed for work in order to get paid sick leave. (If, according to legend, you are not officially employed, then tell the doctor that you are not working officially in a contractor and if I miss work for no good reason, then I will be fired)

2) You need to find out from all your acquaintances and their acquaintances where you can get such a certificate, ask everyone you know and trust, you never know who might have the right acquaintances. Find out how much the certificate costs and take it.

3) The last way would be corruption. Come to a poor clinic (where doctors are more prone to bribes) for examination by a doctor, take a sheet, a pen and write that you need an official certificate of dislocation of the shoulder joint, for example, in order to get away from the army (if you are under 27 years old, then this is will do) You need to write on paper so that the doctor understands that you are for anonymity, and do not provoke him for the sake of incriminating him in corruption, but really want to get a certificate. Also write that you are ready to pay $ 20 (take $ 50 with you just in case and bargain). After writing, give the sheet to the doctor and wait for his reaction. Their salaries are small and such an offer, given the conditions written on a piece of paper (the doctor will understand that there is no question of a dictaphone), will most likely agree. If not, take the piece of paper and leave.

If all this does not work the first time (which sometimes occurs) try it in several clinics, then it will definitely work.

Then you go to your insurance agent and take your policy, passport, certificate of dislocation and your account details with you. This is all you need in order to draw up an application for payment. Once the application is written, it will be passed on to the payment decision maker. After 2 weeks, you will receive% of the sum insured to your account (There is a certain period of time for the insurance payment, usually from 5 to 15 days, because, unfortunately, this is the order of consideration). What percentage will come depends on your insurance plan. If it is $ 100000 and the percentage for dislocation is 10% (the percentage of injuries is different everywhere), as I wrote above, then you will get $ 1000 if $ 2000 then $ 500 I advise you to “dislocate” the second shoulder after a few days. Accordingly, a legend will be needed. But I think this is not a problem for you.

There is another snag. You may be denied services by other insurance companies if you have insurance elsewhere. But this is not everywhere. Try to take on insurance wherever it works (do not forget to carefully study insurance companies that are not in the rating at the very top, so that within a week or two you do not get the answer "This is not an insured event").

Of course, there are decent little-known companies, but to find out, read the reviews for sure.

Whatever happens like this.

When the moment comes that your insurance agents will tell you they stop working with you, you need to find an unemployed acquaintance whom you will insure and crank everything up according to the same scheme, but at a percentage. For a person who just appears a couple of times in an insurance company, a maximum of 5% of the exhaust is enough. Because, firstly, he does not risk anything and does nothing except memorize a couple of phrases. Thus, you can get insured in three companies at once, and hire your friends for a percentage in the rest. And if you master 5-7 insurance companies, then in 5-15 days after the work done, you will receive, at best, $ 5000 if all the sums insured are $ 10000 and you will be officially employed. If not, then the maximum is $ 3000. The more unemployed acquaintances you have who agree to this, the more you earn.

I do not advise doing this for more than 3 months, as they may suspect something. Insurance companies keep statistics. And they will be surprised if for a long time systematically people start to get a shoulder injury with the same scenario. The first week you draw up insurance policies, after that you collect certificates. And write an application for payment. And after 5-15 days, you receive the money.