Instant Evolution: Artificial intelligence creates a robot from scratch in just a few seconds


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AI shows potential far beyond the human imagination.

A team of scientists from Northwestern University has created a first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence (AI) capable of developing robots independently. Giving the AI the command to design a robot that can move on a flat surface, scientists were amazed: the process of evolution of living things, which took billions of years, the AI carried out in just a few seconds.

A distinctive feature of this AI is its ability to work on a regular personal computer, creating completely new designs. Unlike other AI systems, this one doesn't require powerful supercomputers or huge databases.

As Northwestern University's Sam Kriegman points out, "We've created an algorithm that bypasses dead ends in evolution without relying on human experience." Kriegman called the rapid design process "instant evolution."

Surprisingly, the AI itself came to the conclusion that the robot needs legs to move. However, instead of the classic four legs, the AI proposed a three-legged design with a number of other unusual elements, including holes in the robot's body.

"When people create robots, they most often make them in the image and likeness of familiar objects. But AI can offer completely new solutions," says Krigman.

Although the first AI robot can only move slowly, scientists see huge potential in this technology. In the future, such robots can be used to search for people under rubble, repair sewer systems, or even in medicine to diagnose and treat diseases at the cellular level.

"The only thing that hinders the creation of these new tools and therapies is that we don't know how to develop them. Fortunately, AI has its own ideas about this," concludes Kriegman.