? Influence of words on the thinking of carders


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The same event can be described in different ways. However, the meaning conveyed by the words we use to describe the event will be slightly different in each case.

Speech, which carries a great emotional charge, makes a different impression on listeners or readers than a more moderate expression of the same content. Language does not determine thinking, but it can direct it on the right or wrong path.

Example 1: A heated debate between pro and non-abortion proponents. The party advocating the prohibition of abortion, realizing that it is better to be for something than against something, decided to speak out under the slogan "for life", preferring it to the slogan "against freedom of choice." Those who defended women's right to abortion, naturally, did not want to be called “opponents of life”, having adopted the slogan “for freedom of choice”.

They hoped that in this case people would treat their position more favorably. The position itself, of course, remained the same - only the signboard changed. Apparently, it is the words in which certain views are formulated that affect people's thinking.

One of the supporters of the prohibition of abortion expressed the following opinion: the best way to win this confrontation is to use the words murder and child more often in the same phrase. Putting these two words together should definitely evoke an emotional response in people.

Halpern Diana
"Psychology of Critical Thinking"