Indian hacker claims responsibility for hacking Bitfinex and BTC-e crypto exchanges


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A hacker from the Indian state of Karnataka confessed to hacking the Bitfinex and BTC-e cryptocurrency exchanges, phishing and numerous attacks on other sites.


Shrikrishna Ramesh, a 26-year-old resident of the Indian state of Karnataka, testified about his involvement in the hacking of several Internet services, including the Bitfinex and BTC-e cryptocurrency exchanges. This is reported by the India Today edition.

“Bitfinex was the first major hack of a bitcoin exchange for me,” local media quoted him as saying. - The exchange was hacked twice; I was the first. I took advantage of a bug in the data center that gave me KVM access to the server. I rebooted the server in GRUB mode, reset the root password, logged in, reset the withdrawal server password and transferred the bitcoin money to my bitcoin wallet. "

Bitfinex was first hacked in May 2015, losing then 1,500 BTC, or about $ 400,000. Also, the exchange was hacked in August 2016, but the damage was then more significant - 120,000 BTC or $ 72 million at the exchange rate at that time.

During the interrogation, the criminal confessed that he had been hacking various sites for a long time, including cryptocurrency exchanges and poker platforms. Ramesh claims that he stole 100 BTC from the Bitclub Network and over $ 3 million worth of crypto assets from the now defunct BTC-e exchange. In total, the hacker managed to get hold of 20,008 BTC, but he spent almost all of the money on a luxurious lifestyle.

Ramesh was arrested in November 2020 on drug charges. Subsequently, among other things, he spoke about the hacking of the government procurement portal, the Runescape online game and poker sites.