Indian Cosmos Bank hacked. More than $13,000,000 stolen.


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Hello, cyberstalkers running in the shadows! Hello, random carder. Let's not be jealous and just be happy for the really cool guys who made it!


Indian Cosmos Bank hacked. The attackers used cloned cards to withdraw cash from ATMs and at the appointed time carried out many fraudulent transactions using the SWIFT system. In total, the bank and its clients lost more than $ 13 million.

From the looks of it, the attack was divided into two phases. The first phase was carried out last Saturday, August 11, 2018, from 15:00 to 22:00 local time. At this time, "mules" in 28 countries of the world were withdrawing money en masse from local ATMs. According to the Hindustan Times, more than 15,000 transactions were completed in seven hours.

The second phase of the attack began on Monday, August 13, 2018. On this day, the attackers used the international financial information transfer system SWIFT in their operation and transferred almost $ 2 million to the account of a Hong Kong bank.

It seems that such attacks were written about a few days ago by a well-known information security journalist and analyst Brian Krebs. In his blog, Krebs said that representatives of the FBI sent out a confidential warning to the heads of American banks, according to which a wave of attacks was being prepared on banks, during which attackers were supposed to try to cash out millions of dollars at ATMs around the world using cloned cards. At that time, law enforcement officers believed that the attack was based on an unknown breach in the systems of a certain bank card issuer.

There is no official information yet on which hacker group was behind the Cosmos Bank hack. However, the Economic Times reports that this is probably not without the well-known North Korean group Lazarus. I'll write more about this group's deluges in the following articles.

Men, gather yourselves. You will also be able to do no worse (well, those who want it). The main thing is to know what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and never forget about network security. And you can start with small money schemes - from simple to complex (soon there will be a bot with starting schemes on the channel). From earnings of 50k / rubles to millions of dollars.