Indian card thief changed clothes every day to remain unrecognizable on videotapes


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A fraudster from the Indian city of Ludhiana (Punjab) was caught with 15 debit cards that he stole from the real owners. According to the Hindustan Times, a man named Sumit Kumar was forced to wear new clothes every day to look different on bank security cameras; sometimes he also tied a turban, and sometimes he wore glasses and a cap.

The reason for the arrest was the appeal of one of the victims of the fraudster. A resident of a local village encountered problems when withdrawing money from an ATM. At that moment, he was offered his help by a man who was already in the room, who introduced himself as a bank employee. In the process, Kumar replaced the real card with a fake one and stole almost 100,000 rupees (about 110,000 rubles).

When checking the records from other premises with ATMs, the police found that the accused practiced this scheme at least a dozen times, which was later confirmed during the arrest - other people's cards were confiscated from him, which he did not get rid of.