India at gunpoint for cyber vigilantes: the upcoming elections in the country may be disrupted


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Anon Black Flag Indonesian declares a vendetta for cyber attacks and "discrimination against Muslims".

On the eve of the elections in India, a new threat has appeared in cyberspace. The Indonesian hacktivist group "Anon Black Flag Indonesian" announced in its open Telegram channel that it intends to conduct a series of cyber attacks on the websites and databases of the Indian government. This statement raises serious concerns about the security of the country's cyber infrastructure at such a critical time.


The group "Anon Black Flag Indonesian" gave several reasons for their actions. Among the main motives, they cite alleged cyber attacks by India on the websites of Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They also accuse India of systematic discrimination against Muslims, including difficulties in obtaining visas for religious events, offensive statements from some Hindu priests and anti-Islamic policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The first victim of cyber attacks was the Indian pharmaceutical company Vinayak Pharma Corp. Hackers claimed to have gained access to its confidential databases. This event highlights the seriousness of the threat and the need to strengthen cybersecurity measures.

Cybersecurity experts warn that such attacks can cause significant damage not only to government agencies, but also to private companies. In the context of the upcoming elections, increased cyber attacks can destabilize the situation in the country and create additional risks for the electoral process.

The Indian authorities have already begun to take measures to counter potential threats. Strategies have been developed to strengthen the protection of public and private networks, as well as consultations with leading experts in the field of cybersecurity.

These developments may also affect India's international relations with neighboring countries, especially if India's involvement in cyber attacks on foreign websites is confirmed. The situation requires a prompt and competent response at both the national and international levels.

Experts advise private companies and government agencies to strengthen security measures, monitor software updates, and refresh their employees knowledge of the basics of cybersecurity. Special attention should be paid to protecting confidential data and preventing information leaks.