Incomplete action syndrome


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Fatigue, irritability, drowsiness, lack of vitality and interest in everything that happens. Accumulated stress is the most common cause of these and many other unpleasant conditions. But there is another reason, less well-known, but no less important, and its name is "completed action syndrome."

Every day we do or plan to do dozens of things: big and small, significant and not so much. But not all of them, for a number of reasons, reach their logical conclusion, some do not end the way we wanted, and some do not start at all. And then ... then, more often than not, nothing happens. We simply "switch" to something else, trying to either compensate for what was conceived, but not realized, by the implementation of something else, albeit not so important for us, or we are trying to quickly distract ourselves from failure, as if it did not exist.

But the whole point of the problem lies precisely in the fact that, contrary to our ideas, "switching" as such occurs only at the external level, but not at the internal level. Physiologically, however, the unsolved problem was, and remains, another unencumbered focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex, on which the vital forces of the whole organism are expended. An organism that day and night trying to help its owner do what was planned, not even suspecting that the owner has long lost hope to achieve what he wants or has postponed his plans until better times.

Unfulfilled promises, not sent in time for corrections, uncertainty about the fate of the started project. And every day the number of "incompleteness" grows, taking away more and more strength to maintain its existence. It is here that seemingly "unreasonable" headaches and a lack of vitality begin to appear against the background of the plans and ideas of the new day. Like the Internet “slowing down” due to the large number of unfinished downloads, the quality of our life, the brightness of our experiences and the ability to be creative begin to suffer.

... not all of them, for a number of reasons, reach their logical conclusion, some do not end the way we wanted, and some do not start at all. And then ... then, more often than not, nothing happens.

Unclaimed foci of excitement must be extinguished, and unfinished business must be completed or canceled. The difficulty is that much of what has not been done is hidden deep within us, and in order to correct it, we need to bring it to the surface. To do this, you need to remember everything that was not possible in the past, what is already planned, and what has not yet been completed for some reason. Cross out from this list, if possible, crosswise with a red marker, what has already lost its relevance for you and what you no longer see the point on spending your energy. This will allow you to consciously cancel the "pause mode" and regain your inner strength by "turning off the light" in unnecessary rooms of the subconscious.

Having written out on a new blank slate the Cases that you are really determined to accomplish, you can also consciously direct all your working energy to achieve what many call Success.

And mind you, we touched only unfinished business, but there are also unforgiven grievances, unclear relationships and unspoken confessions. But this is already that part of a very important work, which is worth doing on your own.

Good luck, strength and energy!