In what cases money stolen by fraudsters can be returned, and in what cases - not


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Money stolen from a bank account by fraudsters can be returned, but there are subtleties that prevent many Russians from doing this.

According to Russian law, if some amount was stolen from a bank account, it is enough to write a corresponding statement to a credit institution. The bank will be obliged to return the entire stolen amount, unless the account owner personally transferred the funds to the fraudster or transferred information to the attacker that would allow this operation, for example, a code from an SMS.

GIS expert, head of the marketing department of the Gazinformservice company Grigory Kovshov spoke about three important rules that will help to avoid theft of funds from your bank card:

- Today, fraudsters have in their arsenal many sophisticated ways to take possession of funds on other people's bank cards. In order not to fall into the trap of intruders, it is recommended to follow 3 simple rules.

First, never share your bank card details with anyone, especially your CVV code. Remember, a real bank employee will not ask you for such information, since your full name is enough for him to view it in the database.

Secondly, beware of duplicate sites, there are a lot of them on the Internet. For example, scammers can make a clone of the website of your bank or online store. If you enter your bank card details on such a resource, they will go to the cybercriminals. And by the way, in this case, most banks most likely will not return the funds to you.

Thirdly, do not follow dubious links from emails and messages in instant messengers. They may contain malware that steals personal information. Even if the link was sent by one of your friends, do not rush to open it. Scammers could hack into your account and send messages on behalf of your friend.

Be vigilant and always double-check the information. Remember - information security is in our hands.

Based on materials from GIS