In Transcarpathia, another fraudulent call center has been shut down

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In Beregovo, the police neutralized a fraudulent scheme, using which malefactors deceived residents of neighboring countries. During the searches, law enforcement officers seized computer equipment, draft records and bank cards of the defendants from the call center. The case continues pre-trial investigation

Employees of the criminal police of the Beregovsky district department blocked the activities of a fraudulent call center, which the attackers set up in the district center. As a result of operational measures, law enforcement officers managed to establish that the scammers specialized in luring money from foreigners.

It is known that the organizer of the scheme, together with three other accomplices, rented an office space for conducting illegal business and equipped it with all the necessary computer equipment. In the future, it attracted about 15 more people who worked as operators to the scheme. Each of them was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement on the activities of the call center.

Following the instructions and instructions provided by the defendant, the operators called residents of neighboring European countries and offered them to purchase trading courses on investing money on favorable terms. The client interested in the offer, by clicking on the phishing link, had to enter their bank details and thus log in to the system. Instead of making a profit from investing, the victims lost not only access to their financial assets, but also lost all their savings in bank accounts.

The police conducted a court-sanctioned search in the premises of the fraudulent call center, with the strong support of KORDA's fighters. During the investigation, all computer equipment, draft documentation and bank cards of the defendants were seized.

Now the police are identifying possible accomplices of the defendants and checking information about people deceived by intruders.

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