In the US, the popularity of the national domain among phishers was recognized


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American top-level domain .us is recognized as one of the most widely used phishing attacks worldwide. Brian Krebs commented on the data published by The Interisle Consulting Group.

"The latest Interisle study examined six million phishing messages between May 1, 2022, and April 30, 2023, and found 30,000 phishing domains .us, " Krebs stated. — In accordance with the rules of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the registry administrator .us must take certain steps to ensure that its customers actually reside in the United States or own organizations based in the United States."

Experts interviewed by the journalist admit that almost all national top-level domains of the member states of the European Union have a significantly lower level of abuse due to better thought-out policies and oversight mechanisms. Even a large domain like .de, which is associated with a much more impressive number of reservations than c .However, it turned out to be less popular with phishers.

Krebs also acknowledges that the domain. The US "has been a hotbed of phishing activity for many years." It was used by cybercrime communities to organize botnets, distribute spam and malware, and openly criminal content.

Ironically, some of the domains registered in the country were used for attacks on large American corporations. Among them are Bank of America, Amazon, Apple, AT&T, Citi, Comcast, Microsoft, Meta and Target. In addition, hundreds of other domains were exposed in attacks on government agencies.