In the Kemerovo region covered cash-out service


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The investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Kemerovo Region-Kuzbass are investigating a criminal case against six residents of the city of Berezovsky and the regional center, accused and suspected of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal turnover of payment funds committed by an organized group).

According to investigators, in the period from 2016 to November 2023, the defendants, acting as an organized group, were looking for individuals who were offered to register as the head of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur for a monetary reward, open current accounts in banking organizations and transfer access to these accounts to the group members. At the same time, individuals involved in the illegal turnover of payment funds did not actually carry out business activities, did not perform financial and economic operations, and lost access to current accounts, as they transferred the received bank cards, pin code, login and password to access the personal account to the group members.

The group members used the funds received in this way at their own discretion, including making settlements on fictitious financial and business transactions.

The criminal activity of the organized group was detected by the officers of the WEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass, the materials were sent to the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of Russia, where they were given a proper legal assessment and a decision was made to initiate criminal proceedings.

In the homes of the defendants and at their place of work, investigators of the Investigative Committee, with the support of employees of the regional department of Regardie, conducted searches, during which they seized funds of payments of importance for the investigation in the amount of more than 200 pieces, as well as documentation.

Currently, the Investigative Committee investigator is conducting investigative and other procedural actions aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. A forensic accounting examination has been appointed to determine the exact amount of funds received in the accounts of formal bank card holders.

The actions of persons involved in illegal turnover of payment funds will also be given a proper criminal-legal assessment.