In Singapore, keyloggers helped steal more than $ 10 million from 750 people


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Singapore continues to experience a surge in the activity of keyloggers exploited by one or more cybercrime groups. Journalists of The Straits Times found out that in the first half of the year alone, at least 750 people became victims of this type of malware, from whom more than $ 10 million was stolen.

All the victims fell for the same scheme. They saw ads on social networks that were relevant to their interests and contacted sellers of goods or services. These could be grocery or cleaning services, delivery services, or pet care services. Sellers invariably sent victims links to the site from which they allegedly needed to download the company's application to complete the service.

In the app itself, it was necessary to make a deposit of five dollars to make the first order. At this point, the keylogger was stealing bank card data and gaining access to the banking app. After making unauthorized transactions, which the user was not notified about due to the notification settings changed by the malware, the device was forcibly reset to factory settings.

Now the police continue to investigate this case. The Singaporeans themselves were advised not to use unverified or unfamiliar online services and applications.