In Poland, a fraudster was detained who presented himself as a "Spanish aristocrat" and bred women for money


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The social engineer met the fair sex at airports and train stations, then invited them for a cup of coffee and while drinking a tonic drink told them about their "noble origin", traveling to exotic countries, a bright and rich social life and other shit that makes oysters get wet in females.

It is worth noting that the "Spanish count" thoroughly worked out his image — he wore expensive clothes, luxury watches, used top gadgets, and also had a bunch of photos against the background of private planes and yachts in Instagram.

After he managed to impress another mademoiselle, he persuaded her to lend money for a plane ticket or an emergency operation, referring to the fact that he had financial difficulties due to the blocking of cards.

As a result, one of the victims filed a complaint against lovelace, after which he was accepted by the Polish security forces. In the course of communication with the investigator, it turned out that Scamersant had many images — he also presented himself to women as an oncologist, the owner of a clinic near Geneva, the person who created a cure for cancer, and even the father-in-law of Antonio Banderas. At the moment, the genius was covered up for 3 months in a pre-trial detention center.