In Lviv region, a 25-year-old programmer forged documents on custody of an orphan in order to go abroad


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A software engineer at EVO wanted to become a pseudo-guardian of an orphan child in order to go abroad.

The relevant case was considered in the Sokalsky District Court of the Lviv region. On November 27, the court sentenced Aitovets. We tell you the details.

According to the case file, the programmer provided his personal data to the person not identified by the pre-trial investigation at an unspecified time in a place not identified by the pre-trial investigation, after receiving which, with the application of the details of the "Saksagansky district Council of the executive Committee in the city", using appropriate computer equipment and other means, he produced forged official documents. For the programmer, they forged the decision "On establishing custody of a minor and preserving the right to use housing for a child", making it deliberately false information about the appointment of aitovets born in 1998 as a guardian of the child. The document bears the seal of the Executive Committee of the Saksagan district Council in the city. Also, a document on the status of a child deprived of parental care was previously forged. in fact, the person did not apply to the above-mentioned institution and the relevant documents were not issued to him.

Thus, the programmer is accused of complicity in the forgery of an official document.

In addition, on October 14, 2023, around 00: 39. the accused used forged documents while passing through the border control, being at the international checkpoint for the pedestrian crossing "Ugryniv-Dolgobychiv" in the Lviv region. He presented them for the purpose of exemption from conscription. At the same time, such documents were not actually issued or certified.

With such a chip, the programmer is reasonably accused of using a deliberately forged document of the final offense provided for in Part 4 cm. 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The programmer himself does not deny these circumstances, believes that the pre-trial investigation body has established them in full, implicitly admits his guilt in committing these criminal offenses in full, his position is voluntary and is not the result of any compulsion.

Having considered the case, the court found the programmer guilty and sentenced him to a fine of 50 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, which is 850 UAH. On another violation, he was also found guilty and fined 1,000 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, which is 17,000 UAH.

By absorbing a less severe penalty into a more severe one, the court finally imposed a fine of UAH 17,000 on the accused.

An appeal against the verdict may be filed with the Lviv Court of Appeal through the Sokal District Court within thirty days from the date of its proclamation.