In Khabarovsk, the verdict was announced in a criminal case on a series of thefts using the search for fellow travelers service


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During the investigation, it was established that a 20-year-old second-year student of one of the universities of Khabarovsk in the period from 2021 to 2022 committed a series of embezzlement of money from the victims bank cards.

The attacker placed ads about finding fellow travelers on the popular service. At the same time, he presented himself as a resident of different regions. Those who expressed a desire to make a trip, the defendant offered to book a seat in his car. To do this, potential passengers had to click on the link they received in the messenger and fill out the form. The list of required items included personal data and bank card details. After entering the necessary information, the victims received a code, which also had to be entered in the form. After that, money was debited from passengers accounts. Although the service's rules clearly state that payment should only be transferred to the driver after the trip is completed. Failed fellow travelers tried to settle the issue with the driver, considering the debiting of money a technical error. But the attacker turned off the phone and interrupted communication.

The police found that the defendant generated fraudulent links using a special program that he learned about on the Internet. For conspiracy, he used services for spoofing mobile phone numbers, and the money stolen from the victims was transferred to bank cards issued to third parties.

The malefactor was detained by employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The young man came to the attention of the police for the first time. During the search at the address of the young man's residence, a laptop, bank cards and a cell phone were seized, which he used in illegal activities.

As part of the investigation of the criminal case initiated by the investigative unit of the SU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Khabarovsk on the grounds of a crime under Part 3 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Theft", the defendant's involvement in 38 illegal facts was proved. The amount of damage amounted to 305 thousand rubles. Among the victims are not only residents of the Khabarovsk Territory, but also 15 other regions of Russia.

In relation to the attacker, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of a subscription not to leave and proper behavior. During the investigation, he admitted his guilt in full, confirmed his testimony at the investigative actions, reported and showed the resources on the Internet that he used to commit crimes.

The court sentenced the citizen to five years imprisonment, suspended with a five-year probation period.