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In Khabarovsk, a man who sold fictitious CTP policies to 40 residents of different regions of Russia was detained


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The owner of the car turned to the Khabarovsk police with a report of fraud. The man explained to law enforcement officers that for 8 thousand rubles he purchased an electronic CTP policy from an unknown person, the number of which, as it turned out later, is not listed in the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, which means it is invalid. The applicant added that he found an ad about buying insurance at a low price on one of the Internet sites, made the payment by transfer, and received the digital document by e-mail.

Employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia carried out a set of operational measures and, having identified the 31-year-old seller of a fictitious document, detained him in the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk.

During the trial, it turned out that the man had nothing to do with insurance companies and simply deceived citizens. He downloaded blank policy forms on the Internet, and entered the data of the victims who applied with the help of graphic programs. Accordingly, in the event of a road accident, car owners could not use such a forged document.

Currently, the police have established that 40 people were injured from the suspect's illegal activities, including residents of the Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as the Sakhalin Region and the city of St. Petersburg. The total amount of damage caused to them is about half a million rubles.

During the search of the swindler's apartment and country house, police officers found and seized computers, external hard drives, bank and SIM cards.

The Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Khabarovsk initiated criminal proceedings against him on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The investigation continues.