In Homel the student under the guise of the girl got acquainted in a network and deceived suitors


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The future IT specialist "earned" a criminal case, BelTA learned from the Internal Affairs Department of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

In Homel, law enforcement officers detained a 4th-year student of one of the universities of the regional center. As it turned out, a 19-year-old resident of the Lelchitsky district agreed to work as a worker for unknown people who were engaged in fraud.

So, in the messenger in the dating bot, a young man introduced himself with female names and met men, starting a correspondence. "Virtual dating was supported by photos of the girl. For a closer acquaintance, he suggested going to the theater or cinema. Then he provided a phishing link, where after entering bank card data, a potential boyfriend was deprived of a certain amount of money," explained the scheme in the Department of Internal Affairs.

Six men of different professions from all over the country fell into the phishing trap, who transferred different amounts from Br60 to over Br300. Eight facts are known. For example, a resident of the capital lost money three times, transferring more than Br500.

Criminal cases have been initiated on the fact of embezzlement through the use of computer equipment, committed repeatedly or by a group of persons by prior agreement.


The victim of scammers was a resident of Braslav, with whom the attackers contacted from the messenger number of her manager. BelTA learned this from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee.

The message came in the messenger from the number of the boss. It said that law enforcement officers would come to the 57-year-old woman's home to conduct a search. The recipient took the information seriously. "Further, from the account of the head of Braslav, the woman was offered assistance allegedly from an employee of the Financial Investigation Department. Already from the conversation with the" law enforcement officer", the woman learned that unknown people were making out loans in her name and transferring money to Ukrainian accounts, " the department explained.

Later, the Braslav resident was contacted by another person who introduced himself as an investigator. He said that a search is planned, during which undeclared funds will be seized. Active psychological pressure on the woman was conducted for a week. During this time, the victim of fraud transferred Br55 thousand to the attackers - their savings and money from the issued loan.