I will be your mentor a 3 part series this is part 2..just read and you will understand


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Okay so in this part im going to focus on the Entry point to carding .... this is where and when you found out this thing existed .

so i will tell you my expereince because their is 2 different entry points

1. the deepweb markets
2.carding forums

the way i found out about carding was when i found out the deepweb existed and that in the deepweb they sell drugs , so i went to the deepweb markets to find drugs , and out of pure curiosity i found people selling credit cards , and then i said " holy shit " this is for me , and i literally put all my focus onto this from that moment on . like you who is reading this has done . i know for a fact you have put all your focus onto this once you have discovered carding exists , because we are alllll the same , everysingle one of us who get into carding have the same qualitys . we want easy money , don't want to work minimum wage , and we probably do drugs ... so when i saw this seller at a deepweb market selling credit cards i found direction ,something i never had , i hate working for other people knowing that i smoke meth and that i go 5 days without sleeping then i sleep 2 days , and then i go 4 days without sleeping and sleep 2 days , so knowing that i will be kicked out of the job ... so this was my mentality when i saw all these listings for credit cards

this is my experience , every experience is different but we are all the same ,

so the entry point to carding is the deepweb markets , and the carding forums ...
you will first find out about carding , then do a little investigation , then you will go buy a credit card ,......
so then is the big question ... who do i buy from? and you will investigate and blah blah blah

now this is super important for you to understand , you have to open your mind , and listen to what i am about to say


these are the entry point to carding , this is where all the scams happen , the easiest way i can make you understand this is for you to go here

Darknetlive - Darknet Market News, Links, and Guides

and now read all the articles , and see the pattern .... then think what is missing .....

they all have to do with drug busts , and not 1 article on a credit card vendor being caught , or someone selling bank info

so why is their no article for someone being caught selling credit card info?

this is because no vendors sell real card information , its all made up , and the worst part is that the person buying the card will never know because they will get a decline
and (depending on what stage they are in) they will think it is becaue they messed up , and this all has to do with the stage they are on , so if they know about vpn and socks5 connections and cookies and cc cleaner , then they will think they made an error in this , and it is not the card . same goes with the carding forums that are googable , so this means

when you google

" carding forum"

all the carding forums that show up will be selling you fake shit , like this one , they are not moderated by anyone , they just are there and function , and make money off adds and in the " private seller"
section they are the only ones that sell cards ... this is real , so real that this topic will not get taken down , and i am saying this carding forum sells bunk stuff ... these forums just work as kind of like auto system type of way , and i repeat again , this topic will not be taken down , becaue they dont have people moderating the forums, they just care about the quick money .....

so these 2 things being part of the entry point to carding
1. deepweb markets
2.carding forums

you have to see it kind of like a borderline of a country , and this borderline is what is stopping you from entering

this is the biggest part to get past , it took me a lot of trial and error , when i was learning it was the time of ggmccloud1 this big cc seller , and he did a lot of marketing to his name , and i would buy cards from him , thinking they were good , so say i bought 5 , i thought all 5 were good worrking cards , but then later i found out they were not , and i lost atleast $2500 of my $3000 i invested in learning to card in this , so this is very important to understand , and not just to understand but to believe , because once you believe this you will never buy cc' from deepweb market and carding forums ..

try reading these lessons from the first to last , you will undertand what i am saying to you because i went through these stages and i can connect to you through this way
its a lot easier for me to explain to you in person , send me a message

telegram : kfcnapk1ns
icq : kfcnapk1ns


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Let continue this interesting topic.

It is very easy to define a scam carding forum, store or website. When you visit the site, you will immediately see banners on the main page:
- Selling a dump + pin is a complete deception. Think and reflect for yourself. Why would anyone sell big easy money? If he had these data, then he could easily write them to cards and easily cash out at the ATM, receiving all the profit for himself.
- Sale of cloned cards with balance. A similar situation, why sell them, when you can easily cash out on your own or give to services by designation for a small percentage.
- Sale of curved equipment for 40% of the cost. Why should they sell so cheaply, they could easily sell equipment to buy-up services for 70% or sell on stocks.
- Sale of private EMV software for recording track1 + track2 + pin. All working programs can be downloaded for free and they will work.
- Money transfers to payment systems such as Western Union, MoneyGram, CashApp and others for 10% of the cost of transfers. If they could do them, they would send them to the cashing services drops and receive 80% of the net profit.
- Sale of bank accounts and accounts of payment systems with a balance for 5% of the cost. If they had such accounts, they would make transfers themselves. Either these accounts do not have answers to security questions or special tan codes to make a transfer.
- Offer of investments with high income. For example, you are offered to send them $ 100, and in an hour they promise to give you $ 1000. Well, this is an anal divorce designed for complete suckers and very stupid people.
- Fake banknotes, "legal" passports and other documents.

They always promise to deliver them by post after full prepayment. Or they offer to work through a dummy guarantor service, which is their accomplice.
These are all the main signs of fraud and deception!
They are very cunning and constantly come up with new ways to trick naive people and novice carders.
Never fall for their tricks.

Examples of scam services in this section:
More than 1000 topics, can you imagine how many scammers really are? It's just horror and nightmare!

Never make a prepayment!
Do not use the service until someone you know well, your brother or a respected carder with a reputation that he justly earned, will not give a positive recommendation about him.
Do not buy from services without reviews (although scammers can type them from left fake accounts specifically to inspire trust).

Please always take care of your nerves, time and money!


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Let continue this interesting topic.

It is very easy to define a scam carding forum, store or website. When you visit the site, you will immediately see banners on the main page:
- Selling a dump + pin is a complete deception. Think and reflect for yourself. Why would anyone sell big easy money? If he had these data, then he could easily write them to cards and easily cash out at the ATM, receiving all the profit for himself.
- Sale of cloned cards with balance. A similar situation, why sell them, when you can easily cash out on your own or give to services by designation for a small percentage.
- Sale of curved equipment for 40% of the cost. Why should they sell so cheaply, they could easily sell equipment to buy-up services for 70% or sell on stocks.
- Sale of private EMV software for recording track1 + track2 + pin. All working programs can be downloaded for free and they will work.
- Money transfers to payment systems such as Western Union, MoneyGram, CashApp and others for 10% of the cost of transfers. If they could do them, they would send them to the cashing services drops and receive 80% of the net profit.
- Sale of bank accounts and accounts of payment systems with a balance for 5% of the cost. If they had such accounts, they would make transfers themselves. Either these accounts do not have answers to security questions or special tan codes to make a transfer.
- Offer of investments with high income. For example, you are offered to send them $ 100, and in an hour they promise to give you $ 1000. Well, this is an anal divorce designed for complete suckers and very stupid people.
- Fake banknotes, "legal" passports and other documents.

They always promise to deliver them by post after full prepayment. Or they offer to work through a dummy guarantor service, which is their accomplice.
These are all the main signs of fraud and deception!
They are very cunning and constantly come up with new ways to trick naive people and novice carders.
Never fall for their tricks.

Examples of scam services in this section:
More than 1000 topics, can you imagine how many scammers really are? It's just horror and nightmare!

Never make a prepayment!
Do not use the service until someone you know well, your brother or a respected carder with a reputation that he justly earned, will not give a positive recommendation about him.
Do not buy from services without reviews (although scammers can type them from left fake accounts specifically to inspire trust).

Please always take care of your nerves, time and money!
Исходя из его поста , складывается мнение что новичкам и вообще в этом деле есть большая вероятность быть обманутым самому.

Вы мне ранее писали что инвестиций в работу должна быть около 100-150$ ну этот человек вложил 2,5-3к$ и был обманутым ничего не заработав и в принципе любого новичка может постигнуть такая учесть.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Исходя из его поста , складывается мнение что новичкам и вообще в этом деле есть большая вероятность быть обманутым самому.

Вы мне ранее писали что инвестиций в работу должна быть около 100-150$ ну этот человек вложил 2,5-3к$ и был обманутым ничего не заработав и в принципе любого новичка может постигнуть такая учесть.
If you make your investments in the right place, you can make good profits without losing too much money.
First decide what you want.
1- Online carding
2- Physical carding
3- any form of transfer
4- Bank accounts
If you focus on that job after making a decision, your chances of success will increase.
Best regards..


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So as not to be deceived:
1. Never make an advance payment.
2. Check the quality and validity of the material provided.
3. Follow the warnings about the main methods of fraudsters (set out in the message above).
4. Do not pay through the guarantor services of questionable forums.
5. Purchase the material in time-tested stores with positive reviews and recommendations.
6. Beware of fake contacts and sites.