I will be your mentor a 3 part series this is part 1 ... just read and you will understand


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Okay so basically carding isnt easy , and you have not carded anything yet , the reason i know you have not carded anything yet is because you are at a carding forum (begginer stage) that shows up at top spot in the google search when you search for the keywords "carding forum" .

so let me explain to you why i know for sure you have not carded anything this is why i said

"because you are at a carding forum (begginer stage) "

FOCUS ON the parenthesis

the begginer stage to carding is from the point you first find out about carding to the point you card your first thing succesfully
it took me 8 months to card a store succesfully and get the items sent to my drop address , and in these 8 months i spent probably 3000$ in cards and socks5 proxys and a vpn

a good example i can explain to why its better for you to find a tutor or a mentor or a teacher or whatever that teaches you how to card is this ,

when i was learning i had no one to teach me , and so carding is a process , and its a process where you find out about things in different stages , and so when i got to the stage where i had to buy a vpn , i actually payed 6 months of express vpn with my actuall credit card , the reason i payed for 6 months with my credit card was because i didn't know how to card , so i couldn't card the expressvpn website for a 6 month membership .... you understand this part? i was 2 months into learning how to card and learning about the set up and buying cards from the deepweb , and i still could not even card even express vpn for 6 months , so i had to pay like 80$ for a 6 month membership ....

so part of this first lesson is to accept this fact , accept the fact that carding is not easy , and this is the hardest part because ALL OF US get into this because we think its easy money , which its not because of the (begginer stage)

So when i teach people about carding i first teach them the mental aspect , you have to accept this fact . and an easy way i teach them once they accept that carding is not an easy thing to do and that it is a process , is the following way:

so remember i said when i was 2 months in i learnt that i needed a vpn , and i had learned at this point that for sure i need a vpn to card , so i bought a vpn with my own credit card , because i could not card it myself?

now if you fast forward to what i know in the moment i can tell you that you can buy a 1 year membership for a vpn for $3 or $7 , super cheap , and that is through hacked vpn accounts
and one day in my process i found this website : bitcointalk.org

and in this website they sell hacked vpn and other accounts for super cheap , but my focus in on carding , so i went with a vpn for $3
i just did a quick search right now and i found this person selling a year membership for $3 o $7

Bulk sale 1 year plan [Nord VPN] 3 Months plan [Member Vouched] [Bulk Sale] (bitcointalk.org)

you understand what im saying?

so this is the first lesson : Carding isn't easy it is hard as fuck man seriously , and the worst part is that when you are starting off you think its easy , and then you realize its not because you are not making money off of this easy thing you thought it was , and its frustrating because their is no possible way for you to know what you are doing wrong , because when you try ordering something and you get a decline , you just get a message " your payment has been declined " , and it doesn't tell you why ......

so i guess this was the first lesson , go to my second lesson , then the third , then the forth , then the fifth
if you really really want to learn how to card , you have to get the mentality first , you have to drop the easy money mentality , this is not easy , and you have to look at this kind of like studying in college , kind of like a career ... if you really want to learn keep reading my lessons , it will all make sense trust me , i can easily copy and paste a carding guide and give you this , but it won't work , you need to understand why its hard , because if not you are just on your own man , and the drop out rate of this is soooo big , seriously i spent $3000 or more in a 8 month period , always getting declines and not knowing why . so if you realy want to learn this and make this part of your life , keep reading the lessons , if you read them all you will understand and i can give you lessons on how to actually card something , if you want to ask me questions or have any doubts i will easily explain to you what you need to know so you can be sure for me to teach you. you won't lose anything , just try it out and see what happens , you need good guidance , because of covid i can be able to chat with you and easily explain what you need to know
you can message me at

telegram : kfcnapk1ns
icq: kfcnapk1ns


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The state of a mentor or teacher assumes a complete absence of the ego, and as a result, determines the invulnerability of the individual to any traumatic topics in the learning process.

A master is a mirror person who has no right to dilute the mentoring process with his subjective experiences, and even more so to assert himself at the expense of his students.

All the feelings and concerns of the master (which are present in him, as in all people, but in a metered and quickly processed amount) are in his personal space and do not intersect with the working state, therefore, they do not affect his mentoring activity.

The master leads people to the stable realization of their individual life task with a sufficient amount of pleasure from the process and the fulfillment of all ecological desires.
By projecting his own desires, interests and preferences onto the problems of his clients, the master mixes his spiritual reputation with dirt and deprives his activity of prospects.

The task of the master is to understand the individual nature of each person separately and, in accordance with this nature, to give information and energy value that is relevant for a person.
It is important to inspire a person, to clarify to him the wisdom of the situations occurring with him, to guide him in the path of realizing his individuality and dissolve his pride.

Personal happiness is built on the basis of sincerity, mutual understanding with the world and, of course, is accompanied by a stable sense of the true path.