I-S00N: Leaked Documents Reveal China's Global Surveillance Program


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Putting on tinfoil hats — leaked secret data from a Chinese spy company working with the government has been published on GitHub.

There's literally everything you've seen in movies about hackers: apps for stealing contacts and photos from other smartphones (including Apple, yes), instructions for using botnets on household appliances, and even gadgets for intercepting traffic in Wi-Fi networks disguised as Xiaomi power banks.

You can read more here, just stock up on a sedative.


Foreign media outlets write about a serious leak of an almost comprehensive global cyber espionage program, which the Chinese government is allegedly behind.

As we previously assumed, the United States and its allies have taken another step to demonize the Chinese side and impose the label of ubiquitous Chinese hackers in the minds of Western citizens.

For this purpose, we initiated the release of confidential documentation on one of the contractors of the Ministry of Public Security of China (MPS), known as iSoon (aka Anxun), to the GitHub repository "I-S00N".

The leaked documents describe in detail the software that includes remote access Trojans for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android, DDoS services, social media user deano systems, Wi-Fi hacking devices and software, as well as other spyware utilities and devices.

In addition, it is alleged that Anxun is involved in attacks on foreign governments in India, Thailand, Vietnam and South Korea, as well as against some NATO systems.

In our opinion, this whole situation looks like nothing more than a local test of the American special services on one of the Chinese contractors, inflated to a global leak. By the way, still unconfirmed by anyone.

But, nevertheless, specially trained researchers of the team have already received, the merged software is already being disassembled, revealing publications promise.

• Source: https://github.com/I-S00N/I-S00N/