I know why you are a greedy carder miser


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I'll tell you a story from my life. It was during my school years. We had the usual company of courtyard boys and we spent almost all our free time together. Having matured a little, financial relationships appeared in our life - we began to go to cafes, buy energy drinks, shawarma and what else children use there. It was then that the "impostor" showed up in our gang. One day we decided to try a cigarette for the first time. It was necessary to fold and everyone clearly did their bit. Besides the "traitor" himself. For an excuse like "my parents didn't give me money today," I silently contributed his share and we, in a friendly company, coughed from the nasty smoke. As you understand, such an action was by no means a one-off. Over time, we got used to the fact that one of our wolves never has any money.

We treated his situation with understanding and regret, justified it by not the most prosperous parents. Therefore, each time in turn they threw a ruble for him, so as not to spoil the command atmosphere and everyone was happy. And then, one day, he came to school with a brand new and very expensive phone. As it turned out, all this time he was an ordinary goon. I am sure each of you had a similar situation and a similar acquaintance. He made the girl pay for himself on the first date, goes with friends to the bar only when someone treats him, never leaves a penny of tip. For many years I could not understand the reasons for this behavior, after all, it is absolutely irrational to deny yourself the pleasant little things in life that will not in any way harm your general welfare, and even more so parasitize on others.

Now everything is very clear to me. And it's not about the Jews, poor uncle Abraham has nothing to do with it. It's about greed, but not ordinary, but pathological. Greed is inherent in absolutely everyone; it is an ancient and very useful quality that we inherited from cavemen. But pathological greed is already something similar to a disease. An ailment that was formed under the influence of many factors. As you know, all problems stem from childhood.


Pathological greed can be transmitted through genes from parents. Well, not literally. Our old people lived in the harsh 90s and, like no one else, the psychology of hoarding and saving is inherent in them. Watching them, our generation has gone over not the best qualities, including stinginess, which is in no way based on the actual amount of available funds. Plus, in those days, parents were most likely busy with survival, instead of raising their children. Therefore, the kids compensated for parental love with material benefits, and when they realized that these benefits were running out, they tried to preserve them as diligently as possible.


But this pathology can occur not only in childhood. Here envy comes to the rescue. You watch the Instagram of successful people, you want to live like them and fill the inner emptiness. Subsequently, you start plowing like Papa Carlo, diligently accumulating shekels. First, to an expensive car, then to a house and other attributes of successful people. And you can't stop anymore, it becomes a lifestyle. The pursuit of the imposed image of success through unhealthy economy. Such people in a couple of decades will most likely find themselves the very same Scrooge McDuck, who sits on a mountain of coins, but fucked up the best years and the love of loved ones.


Why is pathological greed a problem? Obviously, due to the deterioration in the quality of life. Frugality itself is a very useful and respected quality. But if you start to save on the quality of toilet paper for no good reason, sooner or later you will have hemorrhoids. I think you get the metaphor. Therefore, in everything you need to have a measure and learn to enjoy today.


Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about pathological Jews. It is better to avoid them and not be carried out on various methods of manipulation, because otherwise there is a high probability of becoming a donor of the parasite. Spending time with them is also extremely dull. Coopers are not the best sidekicks and, in the end, all your relationship will come down to counting a split check in some pub. But you can still cope with the disease. You need to radically change your lifestyle and instead of constant accumulation, you will learn to constantly give. Getting high from gratuitous gestures of kindness, the redneck will most likely retrain and begin to live a full life.


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To get rich you have to read, so do it :)

Now I will tell you NOT a banal truth. Intriguing, right? Articles with this headline usually say that you're just fucking lazy and that's all. In the same article, I'll tell you - I'm also a lazy.

"Then what makes you different from me!?" - you ask without having time to think about it due to the fact that you are a lazy fuck)

Here are our differences:

1. Learningability.
Or to be more precise, an understanding of why I need it at all. Look, let's say you've learned to coo in Photoshop and that's it, you'll definitely never stay hungry! To earn money, you need to be able to do something. Another question is how much money you can make by cooing platitudes.

2. Responsibility.
Yes, yes, my friend, responsibility. You blame everyone and everything for your problems, but not yourself. Don't even try to argue, because rich people aren't irresponsible. Understand one simple thing (it's strange that in your years you haven't understood this yet) no one, do you hear me!? NOBODY! no one will ever solve your problems except yourself. No one gives a fuck about you, take care of yourself and your life by yourself.

3. Fear.
I don't have one. Not because I'm a naive fool who thinks that he won't get caught, but because I have a lot of fucking experience behind me and know what to do and how to do it so as not to violate the laws of the Russian Federation and not attract attention from the authorities of other countries.

Still like being poor? Okay, I'm going to grab a lobster, if you want to change your life - I'm always in touch)