I buy myself a new car


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For starters, why do I need a new car? Well, first of all, my trough is no longer good for anything. It is old, the battery is worn out, the mileage is high, and it is no longer particularly suitable in terms of class. I'm a famous person after all! By the way, whoever guesses what kind of car I have now may receive a small bonus. I think it will be easy. Secondly, I'm a mindless selfish asshole who loves to pollute the city space, so carsharing and a fucking electric scooter are definitely not for me. However, I'm a thrifty and not so selfish asshole, so I look exclusively at electric cars. Ilona smack, and the cute image will come in handy in the future for recruiting classes from animal defenders.


What are my criteria for choosing a car? By and large, I don't give a damn about the compactness and spaciousness, since except for my ass, I'm not going to carry anyone. Instead of a smelly engine, a battery sounds economical on its own. So I will be guided exclusively by animal instincts. First, the car should be bright and eye-catching, like all self-respecting influencers. She is obliged to cut the eyes of all passers-by and clearly indicate my dominant position in society. Second, it should heap, and not just heap, but so that in case of anything, in an accident on Sadovoe, not a single survivor would be left. Unfortunately, battery-powered cars can't hum beautifully, so a powerful subwoofer is another thing on the list.


After 10 minutes of searching, I found a car that fits perfectly in all criteria. The Porsche Taycan is fast, beautiful, electric. A real tiger. In which case, you can beat him off on give. But then I found out that some character had already knocked out the wall in the Porsche showroom with Taikan, so my imaginary advertising contract was gone. I already started looking for a used Tesla troika, but then in the news I discovered my dream.


The very king of the car from youth, which every self-respecting schoolboy dreamed of. Hammer made an electric car and it's just a cannon. 800 horsepower, 3 s to 100 km / h and 300 miles of range. At the same time, the car, which is larger than my apartment. There is this miracle called Hummer EV, some $ 100k. I have only 1 left to collect. So if anyone has a desire to see me on this military truck, do not hesitate to express your opinion on this matter.

But seriously, I remembered that I don't need a bright and expensive car, since I hide my face. Therefore, if you have normal options, please in the comments.


Confidence Man
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nobody should know what car are you driving therefore all this is useless. Got nothing to do with this forum.