? I am the one with whom I communicate


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Each of us is defined by our environment. No wonder the ancients said: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." But even if you have now figured out who is in your closest circle, and sighed sadly - calmly! We are free to choose and change our environment. And together with him, change your life.

Take a closer look at those with whom you are communicating especially actively today - friends, colleagues. Now try the following practice.

• Take a piece of paper. At the top, write a list of your values: family, income, travel, hobbies, career, love, the ability to enjoy life, etc.

• Below, break down the table of columns with the names of your values.

• And in the leftmost column, write the names of those who are most often in touch with you.

• Now rate each person on a 10-point scale. For example, Lena's friend is doing great in her personal life - we put 10 points in the corresponding column. And in terms of hobbies, you are not at all on the way with her - 2 points (or how much your intuition will tell you).

Walked through all the people around you? Now flatten the arithmetic mean under each column. The final numbers will show you in which of the areas you can become truly successful now, and which for you today are in failure.

This does not mean that you need to immediately cut ties with "zero" friends or colleagues. But it certainly makes sense to attract into your life those who have important indicators for you at altitude - it will become easier for you to succeed in these areas.