Hygiene and safety on the Internet


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Perhaps too hackneyed + banal topic for discussion, especially in such an article, in this article we will analyze the errors in more detail. Forewarned - armed

1. Don't use security - A banal misunderstanding + don't use basic anonymization tools (vpn/proxy, etc.). A stupid thought is stuck in my head - "I don't work/don't drive, well, I don't need a security at all, so I'll go do something"- a big mistake! vpn costs $1-3 at most, use it and always sit on it! - this is the least that I can advise you. P.S. It is not a mistake to check the material at the moment, but for the most part, try to be under the "shield"

2. "Internet Friends" - trusting relationships/relationships on the Internet, and even more so in our field can not be. You can be friends and trust your colleague only when you are beneficial to him+ he is to you.

You are needed as long as you are profitable, and do not embody this phrase, this is the reality of the market, you either play by the rules or do not play at all. It is difficult for me to say how many colleagues I have acquired on this basis(even very close friends-colleagues), but I am always careful, even after years. You are not in the office, and do not teach children algebra;).

3. Mindless software download - Be a fool sitting in the world of carding, and do not understand that you can not download random files. What's the problem?

- The minimum that you catch is a locker (Google what is it)

- The most that you can catch is stealer.

Your full passwords, cookies, data, screenshots fly to the "enemy", and then come what may, they may start blackmailing you(most often), they may want to scare you(in real life), knowing that you have a crypt(and they will know, believe me), and you will immediately give the keys, rest assured.

Do not store the crypt on exchanges, if the calculation is in the crypt(And it is most often like this), buy cold wallets, options here (ledger, I recommend it because I use it), analog -here (They say it is more convenient than the ledger, I did not check it, I will not say), but these 2 cold wallets are 200% safe.

Buy some wallets, distribute these phrases to trusted people-friends (preferably half each, there are 24/12 of them. Give your mother 12, your father 12. My sister is 12, my brother is 12, and so on, I think I understand the logic), but in general, remember them better :)

4. DON'T click on links - This is TOO banal a thing, but not even everyone knows it(

DON'T CLICK on the links - and that's the basis! you can be offended on easy by giving a link (if you are without vpn etc..), always look at the link that you are given, even your friend from school, mom, brother, anyone! the example is not binance.com ah bInance.com - it's not obvious at all, but the links are different, catch deanon, be careful friends.