Huawei filed a complaint with the European Commission due to the label "high-risk supplier"

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Huawei-EU conflict: what is behind the accusations?

Chinese tech giant Huawei expressed its displeasure after being described as a" high-risk supplier " in the EU, filing a formal complaint with the European Commission. In recent years, the company has faced problems in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom and some EU states, which have imposed a ban on Huawei equipment in their telecommunications networks.

The situation for Huawei in the region was aggravated by the comments of European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who earlier this year spoke out about the cybersecurity of 5G networks in the EU. Breton said in June that only 10 member states had used the EU's 5G cybersecurity guidelines to restrict or exclude high-risk vendors such as Huawei and Chinese telecom provider ZTE from their national infrastructure.

It has now been revealed that Huawei has filed a complaint about these comments and claims that it has not received a response from the European Commission. In this regard, the company appealed to the European Ombudsman, which investigates complaints against EU institutions.

"We confirm that the European Ombudsman, in response to our legal claims about defamatory comments made by representatives of the European Commission on June 15, 2023 and their lack of response, has asked the European Commission to respond to our claims," Huawei said in a statement.

A representative of the European Ombudsman also commented on the situation, saying that they had received a complaint from the telecommunications operator and asked the Commission to respond to the operator's letter.

Huawei has always denied that it poses a security risk, claiming that their equipment is regularly and thoroughly checked by governments and relevant security services. However, as we noted earlier, article 7 of China's National Intelligence Law requires individuals and organizations to act as covert operatives of the state on orders, which makes the potential threat real for many countries.

As a result, Huawei has already suffered financial losses due to various sanctions against the company. Earlier this year, it was revealed that the company's global profit fell 46% in the first quarter of 2023.

However, Huawei is doing well in its home market and recently attracted attention with the launch of a new premium smartphone, the Mate 60 Pro.