How well do American and Ukrainian law enforcement agencies cooperate?


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Hello! I came across a topic from a carder who drove goods from the USA up to $500, and successfully collected them. The second product was returned by Amazon, and the vehicle received the following disturbing letter from the intermediary: "Good afternoon! The police in both the United States and Ukraine were interested in your order that it didn't arrive. You visited our office, and also got interested in your other orders!

The claim came from a bank and a US citizen."

Further, from the above, from the user who created the topic, the following question followed: "Can the cyber police of Ukraine cooperate so closely with hackers? Or maybe the cops would come, but only in Yuse? Who knows how fast their cops get in touch with ours?

The network is anonymous, but there are a lot of cameras hanging at the pick-up point inside and out. Drawing my face and car number is a 5-second task. That, in fact, is the reason for the excitement. Anyone who has already experienced this, please share your experience."

The post is compiled from my opinion and the statements of others.

Back in 2019, there was already a surge in detentions of Ukrainian cybercriminals, which directly hints at the reality of the connection of repressive apparatuses.

These messages come because:
  1. An error may have occurred (no);
  2. You're the customer who makes them money;
  3. They just warn you because they understand everything.

What should a fraudster do?
  1. Find out where you could deanonize yourself (in addition to the camera);
  2. Never set foot abroad;
  3. Clean up all incriminating information;
  4. Perhaps you just got on the list, this is indicated by the low amount of damage, which in principle makes the search for you unprofitable. I've only ever seen one letter from Holder with "thanks" in the mail.

    The cops will put a dick in it, pass information to the states that they conducted an investigative event, but did not find the recipient, figure it out at home.
You need to change your SIM card and change your phone number. Suddenly they've been listening to you for a long time. And this is not a joke.

Golden tactic — play the fool. Напиши это: «Ви що там накрилися? Які американські банки? Яке шахрайство? Я купував за свої крівні гривні, за оголошенням на і не за 500 баксів, а за 300. Тому і купив що знаю реальну ціну товару, а тут знижка нормальна.

Частина оплати перерахована на карту через термінал, ibox. Залишок відправив туди ж на іншу карту, коли посилка була вже в Україні. Вам я теж сплатив зі своєї карти, а не краденої американської.

Я чесна людина і накопичував ці 300 доларів 3 місяці. Розбирайтеся в штатах у банку, хто в кого що вкрав, я тут не при справах. І не пишіть мені більше, з ув. Прощайте»

I am 99% sure that Holder wrote to the police because it is necessary for the insurance company to compensate for the loss. Amers looked at that shipping address of the intermediary to Ukraine. So they gave me an introduction, like practice.

As for the connection between the American and Ukrainian cops, I thought that everyone knows, everyone just teaches the ukrocops to do something and not just chug an egg in every incomprehensible situation.

This was the first part. If it gets knocked up, I'll do a second one. Happily.