How Virtual Reality Is Ruining Lives: Shocking Metaverse Teen Rape Case


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Crime in the metaverse has revealed new technological challenges.

A group of players abused the digital identity of a teenage girl from the UK. According to Mail Online, during the attack, the victim was in a room with a large number of users. It is reported that the group of attackers included several adult men.

Although the child did not experience any physical consequences of the attack, the negative psychological consequences of such a crime are the same as if it had occurred in reality.

This incident is the first time in the UK that police are investigating a virtual sex crime. Details of the unusual case are being kept secret to protect the child involved, amid concerns that prosecution will be impossible for a number of reasons.

Virtual reality is designed to provide maximum immersion, and it is often difficult to distinguish the virtual world from the digital one. Because of this, victims of such attacks may feel as if they have experienced violence in the real world.

In 2022, 43-year-old London resident Nina Jane Patel claimed that she was "practically abused" in the Facebook metaverse just seconds after entering the new virtual world.