How to withdraw money from an ATM without a card?


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The mobile phone has evolved around the world from a common means of communication into a rich channel for exchanging data and interacting with consumers. Experts say with confidence that the convergence of mobile communications with the self-service sphere will strengthen the interaction of such two permanent attributes of our daily life as the telephone and the ATM. How - we will consider further.

A banking service is gaining popularity in the world, which allows you to withdraw cash from an account, as well as carry out a number of other operations at an ATM using a smartphone. By the way, one of our domestic banks also introduced a similar functionality back in 2012 - it made it possible to use ATM services even without a plastic card.

A recent study by Shazam showed what the benefits of the ATM and smartphone alliance are and why banks should implement a solution that allows them to perform various ATM transactions with just a mobile phone.
  1. First of all, this is an increase in security. By allowing users to initiate a transaction from a mobile device (be it a QR code or a mobile application), the bank thereby eliminates the risk of ATM fraud (skimming). And since, according to recent FBI research, ATM card fraud has hit the record in history, only new technologies will be able to keep users safe.
  2. This is a time saver. A technology that allows you to withdraw cash from an ATM using a phone could cut the session time at an ATM in half, experts say.
  3. Opportunity to distribute commercial offers from nearby merchants. Mobile solutions of this type allow unique offers from traders in the vicinity to be placed on the check that the ATM prints upon completion of the transaction. And the user decides for himself whether to use them or not.
  4. The ability to find the nearest ATMs in the application. An interactive map with the addresses of all the nearest ATMs can be embedded in the application, which allows the ATM to interact with the mobile phone, which will greatly help the user.
With the development of digital, including mobile technologies, it is important for banks to establish interaction with customers through those channels that will provide the latter with maximum simplicity, convenience and speed. One example is the ability to make transactions at an ATM using a smartphone.