How to take out $ 10k from the Russian Federation without a declaration


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If the goal is precisely to take this amount out of Russia , then a very old and - with some stretch - even a legal scheme, which everyone has known about for a long time, is still alive, but for a number of reasons they are silent or turn a blind eye. We can say that this is the younger sister of the scheme about leaving the Russian Federation, bypassing the temporary ban of the FSSP . Since this scheme is obvious, it is quite possible that somewhere on the forums of customs lawyers this topic is disclosed more fully than here.

Conditions of the problem
The scheme has several limitations. First, it works exclusively in one direction. Secondly, only in the direction Russia-> European Union. Thirdly, it is mandatory for the participants to have exactly Russian citizenship and the absence of a strictly defined visa in the passport. The last, fourth limitation is that this scheme is more hardcore than glamorous : i.e. instead of airplanes, we will only have trains. Well, one hundred thousand bucks cannot be transported directly to Caracas (Venezuela) from Moscow (RF).

Legal status
Let me remind you that the current Russian legislation DOES NOT PROHIBIT the movement by an individual of any amount of cash and monetary instruments across the customs border of the Customs Union (RF + RB), but REQUIRES DECLARATION in cases where their total amount exceeds the equivalent of 10 thousand US dollars at the exchange rate of the Central Bank RF. Violation of this order in Russia provides for criminal liability [Art. 200.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation]. I will not describe in detail the procedure for declaring, this is stated in a thousand places on the Internet, plus for the most corrosive there is a primary source - (Clearnet!) Decision of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community of July 5, 2010 No. 51 and also the Customs Code.

The essence
And now attention, a question for connoisseurs: where and where the passenger should move, so that it would be unlawful for him to ask the question, is he going to cross the customs border of the Customs Union with large sums of money ? Correct answer:

this passenger must go from one settlement located on the territory of the Customs Union to another settlement located in the Customs Union. I believe that at this point even fifteen-year-old participants of the forum remembered the Kaliningrad region, as well as the fact that it is an enclave within the European Union, that is, from the rest of Russia there is no way to go there by land, bypassing Lithuania or Latvia.

Simplified document
In Russian legislation, almost the only document that regulates in detail the transit of individuals by land from the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad and back are, oddly enough, the Russian Railways Rules (if you apply the scheme in real life, I strongly advise you to read them together with the Customs Code). They state that the right to travel by train between the Kaliningrad region and Russia belongs to citizens: those who have visas of the Republic of Lithuania, who have a residence permit in Lithuania, as well as who have a simplified travel document on the railway(abbreviated as FRTD). Railroad FRTDs are issued by railway cashiers, who simultaneously send a request to the consular department of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Moscow. The FRTD is in fact a transit permit from the authorities of the Republic of Lithuania, it is issued free of charge to all Russian citizens, except for those who already have a valid Lithuanian visa. In 28 hours after submitting the request, the passenger must contact any railway ticket office and find out if he has received a permit for the right to transit through Lithuania. If permission is not received, the passenger can return the ticket and get the money back.

Step by step technology
  1. We receive any Schengen visa except for the Lithuanian one, a residence permit or a second passport, which gives the right to stay in the Schengen countries without a visa.
  2. We buy a ticket to Kaliningrad. The cashier will ask for a Russian passport and issue an FRTD. A transit visa used to be given on a separate piece of paper in a carriage, as now - I don’t know, I haven’t traveled for a long time.
  3. Border control of the Republic of Belarus. The procedure is highly dependent on your answer to the question about the purpose of the trip. If we say "Kaliningrad", it turns out that we are going from Russia to Russia, that is, there are no grounds for customs control.
  4. Border control of Lithuania. IMPORTANT! We give the Lithuanian border guard a foreign passport, which gives grounds for transit through the territory of Lithuania, and in no case does the FRTD of the railway. Slap! After this moment, it is better to throw out the FRTD or forget it somewhere.
  5. Vilnius. You can go to the platform freely, but in order to get into the city, you need to go through another border control post. Here they will once again check the presence of a stamp on the entry to Lithuania.
  6. Welcome, you are legally in the European Union, but you did not go through customs control when leaving the Republic of Belarus on a completely legal basis.

To the paranoid, who are afraid that the secrets are hidden in the public, I remind youonce again that this scheme is public and very old, it is at least 10-12 years old. In other words, the children of the first generation of passengers will soon graduate from school, while dozens of Russians travel this way every day. Moreover, if you wish, you can even justify the economic feasibility of buying a ticket to the Kaliningrad region when you go to Vilnius. A ticket from Russia to Russia is subsidized by the state, and therefore a ticket to Lithuania from the same Russian station is more expensive. Rationale - I wanted to save three hundred rubles on the train, I consider three hundred rubles a significant amount for myself, I don't know anything about smuggling.