How to shop on Taobao: tips and tricks for cheap shopping

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Secrets of how to shop on taobao in 2021.
How to buy on taobao: tips and hacks.

Despite the worldwide popularity of the AliExpress website for making cheap purchases, shopping in China is very often associated with another giant - Taobao.

PaySpace Magazine has figured out how to buy on taobao and is ready to share some tips with you.

Also on the eve of Singles Day in China (November 11), which the whole country celebrates with large-scale sales, we have prepared a special project about online shopping in China. We will tell you how to buy on AliExpress, how to choose a site in Russian and how to place a bulk order on Alibaba.

How to order a product on taobao​

Before answering the question of how to buy on Taobao, it is worth understanding why this site is so popular.

Taobao is the largest online auction site in China with a wide variety of products at very low prices. But the online store has one serious drawback - the absence of any interface language other than Chinese.


How to buy on taobao.

This might scare the inexperienced online shopper, but taking some time to figure out how to order on taobao and how to pay for purchases on taobao can dramatically reduce the average shopping price.

Difficulties arise already at the first stages of working with the site. But if you know how to search for goods correctly, then there should be no problems with how to order things from taobao.

There are several options for how to find the product you are looking for:

  • Using the rubricator. This option is convenient if your product is listed in one of the sections on the main taobao page.

    How to order a product on taobao: rubricator
  • Using the search bar. You need to enter in the search bar the name of the product that you want to order on Taobao, in hieroglyphs, after translating it into BKRS. You can also enter names in English and Russian, but you need to understand that this will significantly reduce the number of results.

    How to order on taobao: search
It is important to keep in mind that the top brands in Europe and the United States have their own spelling in Chinese, which is fundamentally different from the Latin script. In order to find out the correct name in Chinese, you can use the search engine

How to choose a product on taobao​

After you have found the product you are interested in on the site, you need to decide on the seller from whom it is better to order. There are some standard tips on how to order a quality product from Taobao that will meet all your expectations:
  1. Ignore the cheapest options. This does not mean that you have to pay exorbitant prices, but it is still better to choose a product option with a price slightly below average, but not the lowest offered.
  2. Check the possibility of delivery to the desired country.
  3. If the product you have selected does not belong to a narrow-profile product, then it is worth looking at the number of units sold and comments left . They, at least, should be.
  4. If there is a wide range of prices in the product description, take a close look at the exact price of the bundle that interests you . This is not always the cheapest option.
  5. Seller ratingis one of the most important points. Look for the presence or absence of a gold medal, as well as the number of hearts, diamonds and crowns.


    How to shop on taobao
If you want to know how to pay for purchases on taobao, you can do it through the Alipay payment system. To do this, you need to register an account in the system and add your Visa / Mastercard payment card to it.

It is important to clarify that payment for an item does not guarantee its receipt. If the goods are not in stock at the seller, then the transaction can be canceled by the system. The money, of course, will be returned to you, but the time spent will not. Therefore, check the availability of the goods in advance.

How to buy on taobao and receive parcels in Ukraine?​

We have already figured out how to buy on taobao. Now we will discuss how to receive the parcel in Ukraine. Some of the sellers offer shipping to Ukraine via Taobao's shipping service. However, this option is not always available and in some cases such delivery will take more time and effort.


How to buy on taobao.

Therefore, one of the most common options for how to get things from taobao with a minimal investment of time is to use an intermediary. Resellers know firsthand how to order goods on taobao and are guaranteed to receive them. Such a service is offered by MyMeest, ua-tao, dostavkain, trans-agent and others. The procedure assumes that you order the delivery of goods to the warehouse of an intermediary company in China with subsequent shipment to Ukraine. Or simply send the intermediary a link to the desired product, and he himself will take care of its redemption.

Yes, you will have to pay for the services of an intermediary, but in some cases it may be cheaper than overpaying for the goods because of the mistake you made, since you have no experience in online shopping in the Chinese segment of the Internet.