How to secretly copy cookies to your USB flash drive? Stealer in BAT file.


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So, the first and main thing that is required for this is a USB flash drive with data. Below is its content.

As you can see, there are two folders and two files here - a batch file and a file for autorun.

The file for autorun contains a command that says that the batch file will be opened at autorun.


But the batch file itself contains commands designed to copy all the necessary files and cookies so that it is possible to get hold of the passwords. As you can see, there are three browsers listed here - Mozilla, Opera and Google. If necessary, it is quite possible to add other necessary browsers, but you must definitely find directories for them.

So, first you need to copy all files from Opera, then from Firefox, then from Google Chrome. Then they are assigned certain attributes.

And now we will talk about the second nuance, which I spoke about at the very beginning.

The problem is that the autorun file does not start everywhere, for example, after updating Windows 7 and higher, the autorun of files is not possible. This was done by Microsoft following a Windows security update.

We open the batch file and see that the files from the browsers have been copied to the flash drive itself. That is, all cookies and passwords are located on it.

It is worth remembering one more important detail. If one day you make autorun of all files and copy them from one computer, and then go to another computer and put a USB flash drive in it, or put it in your computer to find out the victim's passwords, then the autorun file will autorun the batch file, which will copy all the files and will overwrite them with the victim's files.

But this can also be circumvented by adding the command del: Autorun.inf
That is, when the batch file does its job, the Autorun.inf file will be deleted and the cycle will end.

To view all the stolen data, you must use the program below. But before that you need to replace your files with stolen ones.

The undoubted advantage is that the antivirus will not have any action on this.

This method does not work everywhere, but on certain operating systems it works flawlessly, allowing you to take possession of all browser passwords. But it is worth remembering that such actions are illegal and in no case we urge you to commit them.