How to remove yourself from the Internet


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The Internet is a huge variety of different sources of information that change and are supplemented every second. Deleting your online presence is one of the most popular recent desires. We are surrounded by huge amounts of data that we leave behind when using the Internet in the form of analytics, accounts, passwords and photos. Freedom from constant tracking is a privilege. Deleting social networks, websites, emails, deleting analytics data is something that will lead to more privacy. Additionally, deleting your online status will help you get rid of malware, spam, and other types of security incidents.

1. Deleting data

It is quite difficult to delete and hide from the Internet completely, since you will remain in search engines, social networks, email services and other services where you are registered. Sometimes even your past online activities can be published in search engines, which can give access to your data.

If you really want to go into hiding and completely remove your online presence, it will take a lot of time and effort. The first step is to analyze all your accounts and try to delete them if possible. This can be quite difficult, as some services may not give you access to your account or only provide the ability to partially delete information. You should also check to see if personal data or other data that reveals your identity is left anywhere.

In the future, you should also try to request the removal of all your data from search engines. Most search engines have a feature to request the removal of personal data, but not all search engines provide it.

Once you have deleted all of your accounts and requested that information be removed from search engines, you must take steps to prevent new information from appearing on the Internet. For example, you can opt out of various sites and services that publish user information, and also refuse to join various social networks. It's also worth keeping in mind that even if user data is removed from one site, it may be indexed and placed on another. You can avoid this by using anonymous services for browsing the Internet and publishing information.

Removing and hiding from the Internet completely is a rather difficult task. But if you want to avoid the use of personal data and prevent its publication on the Internet, then you need to know how to act correctly.

2. Anonymity Rules

Stop using the most popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can also disable your accounts on other social networks such as LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+, etc. (remove them)

2.Delete or, as a last resort, hide all existing connections to your email, as well as from other Internet services. Use anonymized email services such as Tor Mail or StartMail.

3. Use special browsers and plugins for anonymization , such as Tor, Virtuoso, Jondo.

4. Delete or mask all your location settings and use anonymized VPN services to protect your online experience.

5. Avoid using your real name, last name, or other online identifiers.

6. Avoid creating payment or bank accounts and use anonymized electronic payment systems.

7. Disable all mobile devices and software such as Skype, WhatsApp and Telegram and use anonymized versions of software such as Signal.

8. Use anonymized hosting and services such as Tor or I2P, and anonymized search engines such as DuckDuckGo.

9. Remove or disable all browser extensions and widgets, such as Adobe Flash and Java, and block all trackers and counters.

10. Use anonymized fingerprinting software, such as space anonymizer or data anonymizer, to prevent you from being tracked and track your activities.

11. If TLS requests are used, then TLS requests can be encrypted using encryption protocols such as RSA, Diffie-Hellman or ECDH. An encrypted connection is established by exchanging keys between the client and the server, after which data between them can be transferred in encrypted form. There are also several different encryption algorithms used to secure TLS requests, such as AES, RC4 and 3DES.

3 Data Security

Use encryption algorithms such as AES or Triple DES to encrypt data.

2. Use hashing with salt to protect passwords and information, iterability does not matter.

3. Use one-time passwords for access; access to data is carried out only using these passwords.

4. Use a properly configured VPN to protect information as it travels from one location to another.

5. Use separate access rights for all users to access data.

6. Use keys to access data, it is more secure than passwords.

4 Why Linux?

Linux has much greater security for a number of reasons:

1.In Linux, permissions are set at the file level. This means that the user may have access to individual files or directories, but not to all system software. This further increases safety.

2. Linux has no registry, so there are no holes for programs that can be used to access the system.

3. Linux uses updatable software packages to monitor and remediate security.

4. Linux has a built-in authorization mechanism that allows users to access resources only if authenticated correctly.

All these measures are taken to protect users. Unlike Windows, where security relies on installing various security software packages and then updating them, Linux takes proactive measures to prevent malware and malicious attacks.


In conclusion, anonymity on the Internet is still a difficult task because security technologies must take into account a large number of possible threats and tools that hinder the implementation of anonymity. A strong security solution is to use strong authentication mechanisms, encryption and network protocols. Efforts in this direction must continue to ensure the safety and security of the personal data of Internet users.

A small part of good examples, of course, they won’t tell everything, but they will once again go through all the nuances and show how things work.

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"How To Setup Proxychains + TOR - Stay Anonymous Online" -

"How to Remove Yourself From the Internet in 2022" -

"How To Become Invisible Online" -

"How to Encrypt Your Hard Drive in Windows 10" -

"encFS - simple folder encryption in Ubuntu" -
