How to raise on token sales?


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Okay, thanks to my regular posts about cryptocurrencies, you've probably already become an experienced crypto investor, or even a trader. It is very commendable, which means that now we are ready to go further and start cutting real money on token sales.

You are probably holding Bitcoin right now. Well, maybe a little more Ether. Handsome! But you know what? It's boring as hell. Some pitiful 300-500% per year. It is much more interesting to buy a coin that will give 10,000% and even 100,000% in just a couple of months. How to do it? I'll tell you now!


Let's remember the bearded 2017. The present era of crypto scam. Every day, 10k new and useless coins were stamped, which were sorted out like hot cakes against the general background of hype by not very smart and eerily greedy crypto investors. The result of rash investments was quite natural. Instead of a new bitcoin, you got another shitcoin (shit + coin), and the long-awaited ICO turned out to be a scam in order to remove the babos and dump it to hell. That is why ICO has lost some of the trust from ordinary users. Once they got burned and no longer want to fit into a dubious topic. And this is used by large players with large capital, who buy out all ICOs and pre-sales, thereby taking away all the opportunities to get rich from ordinary factory workers. Time has changed, the scam has not disappeared anywhere, but now there is much less of it.


What is token sale and pre-sale?
Okay, you probably didn't understand anything. I explain. Every week and even almost every day, new crypto projects appear in the world. So are new start-up companies. Now these are fashionable technological solutions in the field of NFT, DeFI, or GameFI. If anything, we have a separate article on each of these areas on our channel. The goal of all these companies is to collect babos by selling their coins. So that's exactly what happens on token sales. A regular token sale is essentially an ICO - the first official sale of tokens for a wide audience. A pre-sale, or Privatesale, is like a rehearsal for the main token sale, in which, basically, a rather narrow circle of investors invited in advance takes part. But, as always, the conditional Ivan from Tver is not without the opportunity to make his way. The beauty of all these sales is that the price of coins is minimal and all the action takes place before a full listing (placement on the exchange). But after listing, the price can be overclocked to fantastic rates, so that your $ 100 can turn into $ 10,000 in just a year.


How to find?
But many have heard about these phenomenal earnings. Consequently, there are a dime a dozen of those who want to buy on token sales. That is why there are limitations. Tokensale is a kind of lottery in which the winner gets the opportunity to purchase the coveted token. Plus, for each slot, you can buy coins only for a small amount - usually from $ 100 - $ 1000. So the only surefire strategy is to create a bunch of accounts and increase your chance of getting a lucky ticket. How does the process of the primary coin sale actually take place? It can take place both on the website of the ICO organizer company, or on intermediary sites. To participate, you only need to register through an identity card and a cryptocurrency wallet. Registered and waiting. It's easy to find out about upcoming ICOs and pre-sales. You just need to monitor special sections: or .


But how to choose the right coin for investing, because the scam has still not been canceled. Well, in general, purely statistically, if you invest equal amounts in all token sales, you will earn anyway. Even if most of the tokens turn out to be a dummy, the few that take off will make x10-x100 your initial investment. But this is an option for those who are too lazy to study information and think. Ideally, of course, to analyze in detail the projects in which you invest and at least a little fumble in the crypt. Each coin that goes to the ICO has a public Whitepaper - a document that describes the essence of the project, distribution of the moment and all the nuances. This thing is required reading.


But here's the problem. The most suitable projects are quickly calculated by more experienced investors, which creates a rush and a lack of slots for the purchase of the desired project. Such coins are mainly sold on popular platforms such as coinlist or polkastarter. On these platforms, the probability of a scam is minimal, and the chance of capital increase is almost 100%. For example, a SOL coin was sold for a couple of cents on Coinlist, which now costs + - $ 150 and is among the world's top cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization. So I strongly advise you to fit into all token sales on coinlist. It has a user-friendly interface, it is easy to register and perform any cryptocurrency transactions, just like on a regular exchange. The main thing is to be attentive and have time to register for all presale rounds, which are usually 2-3. There will be a lot of people who want to, and the extra $ 100,


You need to participate in token sales, because this is an excellent opportunity to earn money with relatively little money. It is quite simple to do this, and participating in services like coinlist is also quite safe. Here is a secret recommendation from me personally - fit into any crypto game from GameFi. Looks like complete shit, but there are a lot of bucks in it. I can smell your ass. If something is not a financial recommendation) Well, in conclusion - do not forget to register coinlist accounts for your whole family, even for your granny, because then your chances of buying a new cue ball for a couple of cents will increase significantly!