How to protect yourself from "guests" in the office


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Security is the most important aspect of business. And we are ready to share with you relevant information on an ongoing basis.

There are almost no security channels in Telegram, and those that exist write banalities. But today security is a question of business survival. Over the past year, thousands of companies have left the market. And many clients simply closed their businesses and left the country so as not to go "under the axe" and sleep peacefully. But we will say that this is not necessary.

With the right approach, everything can be organized so that your sleep will be even.

❗ Today, everyone knows what is happening. Budget expenses are growing by leaps and bounds, but income remains at the same level. That is why the order was given from above to “squeeze” everyone to the maximum. We do not want to scare you, but this is reality, you need to live and work in it.

Because of all this, the authorities have increasingly begun to visit offices without an invitation.

And now we will give four simple but important pieces of advice:

In this and several other posts, we have already written about remote servers. Do not neglect this. It works, and the authorities are very disappointed when they get into computers and see a single shortcut to access the cloud.

But the important thing is to have a responsible person who will cut them off in time for the entire office. Ideally, two or three. Anyone can be stupid or be in the toilet at the time of the visit.

In general, let all your information be only on remote servers. And preferably not in Russia. Issue a set of rules for employees, which will spell out the responsibility for storing data on the hard drive.

Conduct training, check equipment and compliance with rules by personnel weekly.

2. Do not store unnecessary documents and incriminating evidence in the office. Keep only papers on real white activities. Store everything "gray", digital signatures, seals, cards, etc. in a separate room, which will be registered to a trusted person not associated with the company. You can rent a basement nearby, where only management will have access. Destroy everything that is no longer needed with a shredder.

Do a cleaning once a month.

3. Do not communicate via regular communication and forbid employees to do so during work. Or better yet, always. Also warn partners and contractors that you will only talk via Telegram or FaceTime. This is both convenient and safe. And do not use finger or face unlocking, only a password.

Remember, it's not just you who can be wiretapped.

If you participate in schemes, never speak directly, do not mention the words "cash, cash-out, transit, technical, VAT concealment", etc. For such topics, it is better to meet in person.

4. Sign a contract with a specialized lawyer or law firm. Specify emergency visits and support during inspections, searches, checks, etc. Tell all employees his details and number, and also prohibit them from communicating with inspectors without a lawyer. Tell them their rights and let them know that you will not leave them without protection.

This is important because investigators like to scare people with individual responsibility.

In general, if someone suddenly breaks into your office, you should see black screens on the monitors, several folders with insignificant documents and silent, calm employees waiting for a lawyer who is already flying.

This way, you will avoid all the horror that we often hear about in the news. Follow these rules, read the Business Security channel and share with your colleagues.