How to protect against theft of money from the card


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Let's formulate a number of rules, observing which, the chance that you go through the data will be negligible)

Look, the most important thing is to be attentive and think with your head, all the rules come down to this.

The simplest rule is not to store the recorded PIN code next to the card. Would you say that this is trite? Yes, bro, it's trite, but I still see people's cards where the pin is written right on the card itself)) Don't do that.

It is also advisable to remember the CVV2 code (a three-digit number on the back of the card) and erase or paint over it. Even if your card is photographed from both sides, it will be much more difficult to withdraw money without a CVV2 code. Yes, you can pick it up, because it is only 3 digits, but you will complicate the task of the scammer)

Get two cards, keep the main amount of money on one and don't shine it anywhere, and with the second, pay by transferring money from the first card there. Then even if these cards are still stolen, you will get by with a little blood.

Be careful when paying in stores and operating an ATM. Make sure that nothing extra is attached, such as a camera or an overhead keyboard, or some other bullshit. If you are in doubt about an ATM or payment terminal, it is better to find another place. The best thing is one that is under video surveillance, in such places the chance of getting caught on a skimmer (a device that simulates part of an ATM and is used for covert data capture) is less.

More accurate when paying online. Make sure the site is real. Take a closer look at the address, has it changed? Like instead of or some other bullshit. How is the site itself made, are there any errors, crooked design, etc.

Do not log into your Internet bank unless absolutely necessary from other people's computers, via open Wi-Fi. Can easily cheat data. And yes bro, come up with a more complicated password, after all, your grandmothers)

Make sure that you don't catch the virus, don't open suspicious links, and even less download strange files. Better install an antivirus.

If you suddenly get a call from the bank - be on your guard, scammers call more often than real bank employees. Be careful and don't give in to emotions.

Always be attentive and with a cool head and so you will not fuck up your money bro)


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Fraudsters can not only steal phones and wallets stealthily, but also steal money from bank cards. They have come up with many clever ways to do this. In order not to fall into the trap of a scammer, there are seven important rules to always follow.

Rule number 1. Do not tell anyone your passwords and codes
The PIN code from the card is a secret that should not be revealed to anyone. Better not to save it on your phone, much less write it down on the card. And when entering a PIN code at an ATM or in a store, you should always cover the keyboard with your hand.
On the back of the card there is a CVC / CVV code - three secret numbers. They are needed to pay for purchases on the Internet. To prevent fraudsters from spending money from your card, do not dictate or show anyone your CVC / CVV code.
Bank employees never ask for the code from the card, PIN-code, as well as codes from SMS sent by the bank. Only scammers are interested in secret codes. The deceiver is ready to pretend to be anyone, just to find them out: not only as a bank employee, but also as a relative, friend, or even a stranger in trouble.
A stranger calls, apologizes and says that he accidentally indicated your phone number in some form. He asks to dictate to him the code, which by mistake came to you in SMS. This is definitely a scammer. Hang up immediately.
Scammers can pretend that they are your acquaintances who supposedly want to throw money on your card. But for the transfer, they need the card number, its expiration date and CVC / CVV code. This is also a deception. In order to transfer money, the card number is enough. No other data - expiration date, owner name or code - is required.

Rule number 2. Connect SMS notifications on the card
This is necessary in order to immediately receive SMS from the bank about all actions on the card. For example, about all purchases that are paid by card. These messages need to be read very carefully. If you receive a message about a purchase that you did not make, most likely a fraudster used the card.
You should immediately call the bank, report a suspicious SMS and ask to block the card. The bank's hotline number is on the back of the card. It is best to save this number in contacts on your phone and in case of problems with the card, call only on it.
You received a message that 1,000 rubles were debited from your card for an unknown purchase. And then an SMS comes "from the security service" that "a suspicious operation is taking place on the card." To "cancel it", they ask to call back to an unfamiliar phone number or follow the link. Oops, this is cheating again. You shouldn't do this: the link is most likely a virus, and the phone number belongs to scammers.

Rule number 3. Use antivirus software
It is very important to install anti-virus software on all the devices you use - on your computer, tablet and mobile phone. Antivirus protects against malware and sites that scammers use to steal money.
On the Internet, you can find free versions of antivirus programs with limited functionality. The main thing is to download them from official app stores or from the websites of well-known antivirus developers.

Rule # 4: Choose Safe Websites
Fraudsters create sites that look like popular online resources. For example, they can make a copy of a bank website or your favorite online store. If you enter your passwords, codes, card data there, they will go to the scammers.
How to check the site?
  • Bank sites can be easily checked using the search engines Yandex and Real sites of real banks have a special mark - a check mark in a blue circle. If there is no such icon, this is a scam site.
  • Usually the name of a twin site almost completely coincides with the name of some well-known site, not counting a couple of letters. Therefore, you should always carefully check the address bar of your browser. Type in the site address manually, or better, save the official and verified sites in your bookmarks right away.
  • Pay attention to the resource address. For a secure site, it starts with https: //. At the end of the address bar of a protected site, there is a closed padlock icon. If the site is not secure, you cannot enter personal information and card data on it.
Before entering card or passport data on any site, it is important to carefully study it, read reviews on the Internet.

Rule number 5. Do not pay for purchases from other people's gadgets
You only need to make purchases, access the bank's website or the banking application from a personal computer, tablet and phone. Set passwords for all your gadgets.
If you lose your phone or tablet, on which there was a banking mobile application and where notifications and passwords came, urgently call the bank. Ask to disconnect all services from this phone number and block access to the account from the lost gadget. Change the username and password from your personal account in the Internet Bank.
When you restore your number from a mobile operator, you can re-connect SMS notifications to it.

Rule number 6. Do not follow dubious links from messages
Never follow links from letters and SMS from strangers. It could be malware that steals personal information.
But even if the link was sent by one of your friends, do not rush to open it. Scammers could log into someone else's account and send messages on behalf of a friend.
For example, a message from a friend comes on a social network: “Look, pictures from my BD! They are just fire! " A link or file archive is attached to the message. Don't just click on them. It is better to call a friend or write on another social network and find out if this is spam.
Trojans are usually hidden behind such links and archives. They install themselves on the gadget, steal and falsify your data, including transferring money from your accounts to fraudsters.

Rule # 7. Double-check the information
The scammers really hope that you will believe them right away. They deliberately rush you so as not to give time to double-check the information. But there is no rush in money matters.
Most often, scammers use the following schemes:
  • A stranger calls and says that your relatives or friends are in trouble. The fraudster will ask for an urgent transfer of money to help them out. He hopes that you will get scared and lead to deception. Do not rush to transfer money: first call your family or friends and check if everything is in order.
  • An SMS arrives stating that you have been credited with money. The message looks like a notification from a bank. Some muddlehead immediately calls, says that he transferred the money by mistake, and asks to return it. Just hang up. Most likely, this is a scammer, the money did not come to you, and the SMS "from the bank" is fake. Call the bank and ask if the money came to the account. Better to tell your parents and ask them to help you figure it out.
  • An acquaintance with whom you have not communicated for a long time, suddenly writes on the social network and asks how you are doing. A correspondence ensues, during which she unexpectedly asks for a loan to her. This should immediately alert. Most likely, your friend's account was hacked. And the fraudster is not at all interested in how you are doing - he needs your money. Do not translate anything at all. Write to a friend in another messenger or call and ask if she really needs help. If this is a deception, mark the message as spam and write a complaint to the administration of the social network.
Do not forget that scammers are constantly inventing new deception schemes.
“I took part in a contest on the social network Instagram about a month ago, where the prize was any item that I choose, posted on the page. I chose a thing, wrote to the organizers, after which I was offered to pay for delivery in the amount of $ 10. After that I was offered to follow the link ... "
Be vigilant, do not step on other people's rake!
Do not under any circumstances give any secret information on the card - even to the one who introduced himself as a bank employee. Never transfer money until you understand the situation. Tell your parents what happened. Call the bank yourself using the official hotline number and specify the information you are interested in. The main thing is not to rush.