How to make money out of thin air


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A candid story

I was an ordinary student when I was given a new earning option. Money, as a student should, was never enough. Combining work and study normally did not work out, without the HSE it is difficult to find an adequate position. But I had to live somehow, I had to pay for the University, I had to eat something, I didn't want to ask my parents for money.

For the first time I heard about" cashing out " from a friend, he was already withdrawing money for large companies. It became interesting, began to ask questions, pestered for a long time with questions, a huge distrust faded... I was also bribed by the fact that several of our mutual friends had already worked there, received huge money for me at that time, and I personally saw how their "salary" fell.

In the end, I weighed everything and decided to take the risk. My friends worked, so why am I worse than them?


By the time I got a job, my friend had been promoted to "drop-driver".

For those who do not know, this is the one who hires people, deals with paperwork (registration of an individual entrepreneur, opening a legal entity and an individual. Bank accounts). Naturally, drop funds receive for each person a certain percentage of their withdrawals, the amounts can be very large. I brought 5-7 people, so consider that you can afford a good car.

Having received an individual entrepreneur, I started opening accounts in various banks: a legal account in Sberbank and about five more physical accounts in other banks, such as OTKRITIE, Gazprom, etc. Each Bank has its own problems. Waiting for all accounts to be opened is quite long. The procedure is not easy, you constantly have to deceive people and gradually paranoia arises. Banks ask about your activities, why you need money, and a lot of other questions that are very morally depressing. By the way, at this stage, a lot depends on you, how smart, cunning and talkative you are. The more banks open accounts for you, believing that you are really serious about doing business with them, the more money you can cash out and, in fact, earn.


Separately, I would like to say about some banks that, when they see you, immediately understand that you are engaged in cash withdrawal, they know all these schemes, but turn a blind eye to it. Later, when it becomes obvious to all, they will freeze your account, but a couple of weeks to live, you give, it is also very effective, especially bad acts insurance when opening an account, the employee who "persuaded" you take out insurance, is entitled to the prize, well, how not to open your account?

Okay, let's move on. The day before the money falls into the account, you are told the address and time of arrival at the apartment, where they take your passport for the duration of the procedure and control it so that you don't run away, it sounds creepy, but in fact everything is calm, you sit for yourself, watch movies, eat at their expense, sleep, relax, I personally sat and wrote notes on uni.


After a successful transfer of funds, a car pulls up to the entrance of the house

business class, there are "security guards" who take you to the banks. Then there is a withdrawal of money. On average, a single payment to a legal account received from 5 million rubles or more. Each Bank has restrictions on withdrawals, so I had to go around about ten branches because of the limits, since there are enough banks and branches in Moscow. The limits are usually 300 thousand rubles per day. And so on, until the entire amount is cashed out.

Usually, one legal account can withstand from 5 to 10 million, then it is blocked, some were more lucky. More than three accounts open is not recommended, you may be interested in the economic and financial monitoring by the police.

You withdraw money, leave the Bank, your escorts are already waiting for you at the exit, you are accompanied by the same car with the same "guards", you sit down, give them the money. If there's nothing else to shoot, they take you to the nearest metro station and let you go. Sometimes we stopped for coffee or a restaurant for lunch before or after the shoot, and the office paid for it, which is a good positive aspect of this profession.

There were cases when accounts were blocked. Then you are taken back to the apartment with "security", where you live from a few days to a month (this also happened), until the money is withdrawn from the blocked account. This is done so that you don't run away with a large amount of money in your account.

Once all this ends, all accounts are blocked, it is no longer possible to withdraw money, and your work ends there. Then the office starts cleaning up after you, closes your IP and lets you go on all four sides.

It's been a few months since I quit "working", but I've had the most luck in my life...

First of all, I received a notification from the tax service about the payment of 200 thousand rubles. I can't say that I was very scared, because I thought that everything was fine, that the guys from the office would clean up everything. But after a couple of weeks, another one came, only for 400 thousand. A month later, the third one was received, already for 700 thousand. Then I started to really worry about why notifications keep coming, even though it's been a long time. As a result, 700 thousand rubles is the amount that I now have to pay. And every month dropped interest rates to 15 thousand.

After receiving several such emails, I turned to my superiors. I was told that in the next month it will all disappear. But nothing was lost, because the organization submitted the report crookedly. It remained to wait until they made a new one. Then my data appeared on the bailiffs ' website. By the way, of those who worked there, such a fuck occurred only for me. I am told that they are trying to solve the problem, but I feel in my gut that I was simply written off and thrown away as a consumable. I am left alone with this problem and honestly have no idea what to do in this situation...

In the worst case scenario, I face criminal liability and a suspended sentence, I hope. If it's good, the debt will somehow disappear, but I don't believe it anymore. I am preparing for the fact that I will have to pay these taxes for half my life.


Why did I share this story with you?

I want other people not to repeat my mistakes, there are risks everywhere. Perhaps someone will find such a risk justified, but not me.

I hope you don't have any questions or desire to follow in my footsteps.

Such activities can cost you your freedom. Think with your head, money is never easy.

How much can I get for cash out?

We don't know how to use it as a percentage, but it's decent in years. Until 2012, these were not strict punishments, with a maximum of 5-7 years, but more often suspended sentences and fines. Since 2013, the state's awareness of the seriousness of the problem has begun to gain momentum.

For example, this year there was a case of Maxim Osokin, who received 15 years of imprisonment in a high-security penal colony for cashing in 10 billion rubles, which is far from the largest amount.


At the same time, the state prosecutor asked to be sentenced to 19 years in prison. Without a doubt, in an economically difficult period, the interests of other persons who use criminal prosecution to redo the cash market are added to the interests of the state, which does not change the situation as a whole.

The state is becoming unprecedentedly brutal with those who encroach on public sovereignty and financial security.

Carding 4 Carders

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The easiest and simplest way to make money out of thin air is commonplace carding. All other methods are dangerous and not safe. I do not advise anyone to cheat and steal in real life. Be reasonable and please take yourself.