How to make money on beautiful phone numbers


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We go to the lookup site. We select all the prefixes for our region. By nickname all ELITE numbers that belong to their region. We are looking for numbers that are not available. We write down. We call in a week - unavailable. We make lookup for $ 10

We get all the passport data. We order a single notarial blank ($ 20) and restore it with renewal for this or for a person. (Zhelezyak seller on


We sell the room or, if it is especially beautiful, we lease it to legal entities. persons (taxis, delivery is usually carried out).

It is better to use a third party (drop) in case of problems.

I personally took away 3 numbers like 917_ххх_хх_хх and I hand over 2 numbers for food delivery. ($ 300 / month). More nondescript 917_ххх_хх_хz $ 150 each (food, taxi, etc.)

During the year of work, not a single problem arose.

That is, the circle is like this:

1. Lookup sim cards are needed in order to find out the owner and from him to make a trust Power of attorney (enb) on your person.

2. We find a non-working elite - we get it - we get the owner's data - according to this data we make a trust Power of attorney (ENB) - the drop goes to any office of this telecom operator (in the same region) - rewrites and restores the SIM card to itself.

How to drain - sell by piece. Or rent out (6 rut with a bang)

If you do without a drop, then you need to do this:

You make a fake on FB (through a proxy, if you don’t know what I’ll tell you about).
In the announcement you write - I will sell such a number, a price. And you indicate a fake phone (before that you buy an unregistered sim, and the left phone), you call from your own phone to a fake (which is indicated on FB) just for 10 minutes, let there be silence - as if you were talking to seller.

Then the story is like this. I saw ad - cheap. I decided to buy. The man made a trust of himself, without my presence. I went to re-register for se6ya. I gave the money in cash. I never saw him again.

I advise you to work for a long-term lease, with the subsequent creation of a site for their delivery. First, customers go from FB or local forums, then word of mouth turns on. + can always be offered directly to delivery / taxi services where a nice number is important.

On the same topic, you can steal kiwi wallets.

What else worked.

1. We just made a fake copy of the trust and a scan of the owner's passport - at the mobile office they restored the SIM card with renewal. They used to say that a man is in *name city*, working on 6business. Lost, urgently needs to be restored, the person sent the trust by fax, otherwise it will take a week to go by mail.

Power of attorney draw according to *name city*. Render cheaply and quickly on our forum just $ 5.

Rolled without questions.

2. A person logged into mobile office, on hand was sent a SIM-card (inoperative) a megaphone and a copy of the passport to the desired number. The girl at the checkout 6 was told that

Here sim just drowned! Put it on the phone - it doesn't work! We urgently need to restore it, we urgently need to work on it. Shows a SIM card (this is a key factor, a psychological factor) and says that only his own copy of the passport is on his hands, lying around the clock.


Tested by a drop in Moscow and London.