How to make money fast on iPhone in Facebook


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We create a FB page, make it for an electronics store, etc.

We create a group and make posts, set the price 60-70% less than in stores, based on the fact that the goods are confiscated from here and the price is the same.

We promote the group and the page itself. It will cost you about $ 20.

We buy hacked pages on any trust shops.

We go from the purchased FB page, write to ourselves in the store: "Hello, I want to buy an iPhone 12 pro",

We answer from the side of the store: "Yes, payment by card or Qiwi, we work on full prepayment." Write that "It's already night, I can now throw in $ 1000 and tomorrow morning, add the rest of the amount." You answer - "Yes, yes, of course. Here are the details for payment ...". Write that you paid.

We change password on hacked FB page.

As a result, we do the same with the rest of the accounts and go to bed.

In the morning we look at who recovered and write to them: "Hello, will you pay extra?" And tell me what data you need to provide.

A person thinks that for $ 100 he can get an iPhone 12 pro. And pays extra.