
Reaction score


1. Visit this link and create an account there

2. Login there and locate the type of page to show to your victim when you give him/her the link

3. Deceive her to login. I will post some confusing sentences so that u copy and use it.

4. When he or she login she will see blank page, then come back to the site u got the link from and click on MY VICTIMS.

5. You will see the user name, password, ip adress etc

Facebook Hacked Successfully.
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STEP 1: Create Server for Hacking Passwords

First of all, for hacking any Facebook account password, we have to create our keylogger server that will run on the victim’s machine, capturing his keystrokes and emailing us the record. The keylogger server building process consists of several steps:

1. First of all download the Keylogger and a good binder. Binders are easily available via a Google search.

2. Extract the RAR file. Now you will get one folder and three files.

3. Open the Keylogger file. Here you will need a gmail ID and password. For safer use, create a fake Gmail account.

4. Click on server settings as shown. Here, enter the time at which you want to receive reports; it’s always preferable to use a 20 minute timer for receiving files. Click on the Output box to choose the location of the file and give it a name. We recommend using a system process name to make it undetectable, like svchost, or check any process name from your task manager and name it. Other fields are optional.

5. Click on Log and Result Setting. In Log Email Title enter the subject of email like “my keylogger report” or anything else that you you like. Click the last two options that add computer name and add the victim’s name.

6. Now click on “Other Options.” In this section you just have to do one thing. Most hackers prefer warning message POP up, but I prefer keylogger using any message – so unclick the message button. When you bind it with any other software it should not have a warning message attached, otherwise it will be detectable.

7. Finally click on Build Keylogger. You will see your keylogger file at the location that you have chosen in the 4th step. This keylogger server file will be used to bind with other software in Binding Step.

8. Now your keylogger server is ready for you to hack Facebook acc Extracting the icon file from any installer (resource hacker)


Reaction score

1. GO TO

2. Sign up

3. After that you will see a set of link , copy one of them

4. Go to to shorten the link because the link is going to be long

5. Now paste the link to your friend
You can force them to log in by deceiving them that there is a new way to earn log in to check

6. As soon as they put in their username and password it will be sent to your account on shadowave

7. Go to and click on victims, there you will see his username and password

Carding 4 Carders

Reaction score
How to open a Facebook account

Things needed:
1. Your local phone number
2. Chrome browser / firefox
3. Your working picture
4. Your bio data info.
Goto on your chrome browser or firefox… clear cookies for facebook and sign up with your phone Number.
After registration. Select ur name.
Make sure the name has Surname. Middle name and Initial. I.e. Martha H. Zimmerman
- After completing this Registration. Select any town in your country as ur Home town and select any city/state in usa as ur current location.
- Now that u have set ur home town and current location. Go to the Home town and hide it from timeline. Also hide ur phone number from timeline. Set privacy so only u can view it!
- Upload ur account profile pic and be ready to bomb.
- The reason why Facebook do block our account is bcos of too much bombing and some of these clients u bomb are fake clients.

Here is how to get a good client.
--- 1. Never send friend request to any body are u surprised?
--- 2. Never message any client.
As long ur Facebook profile is dope. Clients will always want to chat u up to know u more.

Then how do u know make a client u exist on Facebook?
Here is d trick.
Search for all this celebrity profiles, American banks profiles. American foods profile.
American drugs Facebook profile. After searching for all this profile comments and like those profiles.
Sure client who is interested in getting along with u will surely add u.
Never use a VPN for your facebook account.
Set ur privacy and timeline settings so u can always review posts.
Set privacy for viewing friends to only you or as you dim fit.
Set privacy for who can write or comment on ur posts to suit ur work.
Turn off location access on your messenger so it does not show people around you as it would detect ur location and tear ur job.
Do not set ur year of birth to be included on your profile.
Don't go to porn or relationship or all dis useless looking for dick

? HACK any FACEBOOK account You Want ?

Stuff you need first:
2 Fake Facebook Accounts
One E-mail ID

Before We Start:

Send Friend Request to victim from all three accounts(Your account and 2 Fake Accounts). Victim must be friend to all three accounts


1) Get the victim's Facebook user name.

/*Easy way to get someone's user name is that, search victims account in fb then click on it and in url field u will see something like this "http://www. facebook. com/xyz?blablabla" in this case "xyz" is the user name of victim*/

2) Open Facebook login page and enter the victim's username (we got in procedure 1) as email id, then click on login.

3) Now Facebook will tell you this

Please re-enter your password
The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off).
Forgot your password? Request a new one.
click on the 'request a new one' link.

4) Now you will asked to search your ID using Your Mobile Num./Email Id/Username , entre this required Information of Victim you collected
Find Your Account
Email, Phone, Username or Full Name

I can't identify my account

Enter the user name we collected in procedure 2 and click on search.

5) Now FB will ask you for options for account recovery that Include either E-mail the recovery code or text it.

Reset Your Password
How would you like to reset your password?

Email me a link to reset my password
a*********[email protected]

Text me a code to reset my password

Facebook User
Not You?
No longer have access to these?

Here you need to click on No Longer Have Access To These.

6) Click on ‘No Longer Access to These’️. Facebook will say you to enter new email account that you have now full access to send you the recovery details(I suggest you to enter a Fake or Temporary email address for safety purpose).
How Can We Reach You?
Please enter an email address or phone that you know you can access.
New Email or Phone
Confirm New Email or Phone

(I suggest you to enter a Fake or Temporary email address for safety purpose).

7) Now facebook will tell you this,
Recover Your Account Through Friends

Facebook User
The only way to prove that this is your account is to show that your friends know you.More
You'll need to:
Step 1Choose 3 trusted friends
Step 2Call your friends to getn security codes.
Step 3Recover your account.
This process takes a few minutes for your friends.
To learn more about this process, visit our Help Center.
Click on continue.

8) Now Facebook will ask you to select three friends from a selective list of trusted friends.

Select a Friend to Assist You (1 of 3)

Choose a trusted friend you can easily reach by phone. After you confirm your choices, your friends will receive instructions on how to help you.
Search by Name

Search all friends

Then select your three fake profiles from the list and hit continue.

9) Click send security code in new page. Now open Firefox and login into fake accounts copy the security codes and past them in corresponding fields. Facebook will now send you Resetting email from Facebook on the account you entered in Procedure 6.

Now you are successfully hacked Facebook account.

How to Hack a Facebook Account in 3 Minutes

Table of Contents

So far, I have over 100 requesting how to hack a Facebook account. So in this article, I will show you how to hack a Facebook password in 3o seconds or less than 3-minutes.

If you want the hacking process to be more straightforward, learn how to become a hacker in 2 minutes. You don’t have to wander all over the dreaded dark web for answers regarding how to hack successfully.

Meanwhile, do you know that out of every 1,000 friends on your Facebook friends list, 100 are hackers? They try every day to hack your Facebook account just as you’re planning to hack. In this article, I will drill you on how to hack a Facebook account without payment or whatsoever. It is strictly a DIY that will work within 3 minutes.

How to Hack a FB Password in 30 seconds

Three-Friend Attack

Regarding how to hack a Facebook account, the three-friend attack is a technique only a few are aware of. Running this method of Facebook hacking is simple and surrounded by luck.

Select Your Target

First, pick out the target and study him/her for some days. Now, create three different fake Facebook accounts. Send friend requests to the person with the fake Facebook accounts. If the target’s gender is female, do not send requests with a male account. Females usually delay accepting requests from males they don’t know. Design the profile as a female to enhance the process of hacking the Facebook account. If it is a male target, also send requests with female profiles, and he will accept.

Click Forgot Email

Log on to Facebook and enter the target’s username or email if you know. If you use the username, Facebook will bring up a list of accounts with the username. Select the target’s account and click This Is My Account. In place of a password, click Forgot Password. Facebook will redirect you to a new page requesting the email address. Select No Longer Have Access to this. On the new page, enter your email address. If Facebook asks for Security questions, enter the wrong security questions three times, and they will redirect you to another page.

Select the Three Fake Accounts

On the new page, select the three Facebook accounts that you created as trusted friends. Immediately, Facebook will forward codes to these fake accounts. Log in to all three fake accounts retrieve the codes. Return to the page and input the codes to proceed. Check the email you used as a recovery email, and you should find the password recovery URL. Follow the URL to create a new password and log into the Facebook account.

SS7 Attack with Phone Number

SS7 refers to Signaling System 7, and it is a loophole in the telecom network. If your target is linking his/her Facebook account to the SIM card, you can hack the Facebook account successfully. However, if the Facebook account points to an email address, this method will not work.

Note: This Facebook hacking method relies on the telecom network and not Facebook to work.

With the SS7 attack, you will be able to hack the target Facebook account in a few minutes. I will show you how to run the SS7 using the SigMo Impulse to trick the target’s network provider.

SS7 Requirements:
SigMo Impulse
Kali Linux
Java SE Runtime Environment (must be V 1.7 and above)
Phone Number

Note: The phone number is the phone number of the person you are targeting.

How to Obtain Target’s Phone Number

I do not recommend guessing phone numbers for this trick. So, I am showing you the best ways to obtain the phone number registered to the target’s Facebook account.

Via Profile

Go to the person’s Facebook profile and copy out the phone number. Nonetheless, you may end up copying the phone number that is not registered to the Facebook account.

Generate with OSIF Script

OSIF stands for Open Source Facebook Information. For OSIF to work, you must have the target account in your Facebook friends list. First, launch Linux, open up the terminal, and set the desktop as the directory. Go to and clone the tool.

You should get something like:

cd Des

Change the directory to the OSIF folder and expand to proceed.



Pip install –r requirements

The code above will launch the OSIF with a complete requirement. Now, start the tool with the command below:


Type help in the terminal and press the Enter key for options.

Type token in the terminal to generate access for your account.

You should see a space for username and password, input the username and password of your Facebook account.

Relaunch the tool, input help in the terminal, and press the Enter key.

The dump_phone will display options beneath.

As you will find in the terminal, it will fetch all phone numbers on your Facebook friends list.

Go to the output text file in the OSIF folder and retrieve the phone number of your target. Why OSIFscript is cool is because most people prefer to set their details to Only Me. You can also obtain the person’s email address from this method if you wish.

Now, we can proceed with SS7 regarding how to hack a Facebook account.

Use Online Websites

If you want to save yourself the stress of hacking, use the available online sites and forums. Example of sites that can hack a Facebook account for you include:

Note 1: Some of these websites offer premium services, which means you will pay to hack a Facebook account.

Note 2: MSpy has a premium app for those who want to hack a Facebook account.

How to use Hack4me to hack any Facebook platform

It is quite easy to hack online using websites like the one above. All you have to do is key in the username and email or phone number for the magic to happen. However, you can’t trust them because they can hold back the login details after hacking. In some cases, they fail to hack successfully after charging you heftily.

Steps to Find the Right Hacker

I prefer using hacking forums because it is possible to find people willing to help with money. If you trade directly with them, they will scam you and do nothing. So, sign up for any hacking forum and create a thread requesting a Facebook hacker. Include there that you require only deals via escrows.

Go to the help panel of the forum and search for the moderators or admins and send a mail to any of them. In the letter, highlight that you want to have a deal and that you need them as your escrow. He/she will ask about the deal, disclose that you want to pay a member to hack a Facebook account. Now, link up the moderator with the hacker and agree on a term. The terms usually include that:

A percentage of the payment belongs to the moderator, who is the escrow.

The moderator will keep your money.

He will hand over the money to hackers if the deal is successful.

Note: In some cases, when the deal fails, you’ll still pay the moderator for guarding you against a scammer.

If you need dark web links to the right hackers, request from me.

The Good Old Phishing

Phishing has been there time immemorial with Facebook. There are several methods to phish and hack a Facebook account. However, two of the reliable ways are phone calls/SMS and clickjacking.

Phone Calls/SMS

Here, you have to send a friend request to the target. Start a conversation with the person and become good friends. The downside of this method is that it is most effective on Facebook users who are less educated. It works well on older people who are not very smart too.

Once your bond with the person is stable, tell the person that you want him/her to do you a favor. Explain that you are running a campaign and that Facebook will be sending out codes to the friends you have selected for the campaign. Also, tell the person that he/she is among the people you have chosen, and that code will be sent by Facebook. He/she should forward the SMS code to you so that you can proceed with the campaign.

Now, sign on to Facebook and select Forgot Password. Enter their username and select their account. Select the option that will send the code via SMS. Go back to the chat and tell the person that Facebook says they are dispatching the codes to selected friends. He/she will forward you the code, and you can input to log in.


Create a fake website without SSL. If you don’t know how to hire a programmer, inform me. Clone Facebook website and buy a domain name that appears like Facebook. For example, or . Now, use the OSIF scripting guide in this article to retrieve the person’s email.

Using the inspect element page to create a custom HTML page for Facebook

Send an email containing the website URL you created and make it look official. Include there that the URL will give free access to Facebook chats and images. The person will then visit the website and use the sign-in form to enter his/her password. Now, the plugins that capture their details will save it on your website. Enter your site, retrieve the login details, and sign into the account.

Credential Harvester

The credential harvester is a social engineering toolkit most hackers use to hack Facebook accounts daily. It is possible to hack a Facebook account when we combine it with the Kali Linux. You do not require any programming knowledge to perform credential harvesting on the Facebook account of your target. First, let me highlight the requirements for the credential harvester method to become successful.

Credential Harvester (Social Engineering Toolkit)
Kali Linux

Steps to use the URL recovery for Hacking

How to Hack a Facebook Account with Credential Harvester and Kali Linux

Send Friend Request

You have to become Facebook friends with the target. Spend about seven days with them and participate in their posts by liking and commenting often.

Request to Send a Link

Eventually, inform the target that you will like to share a link with them soon. If the target agrees, do not rush things. It means that your hacking plan will quickly become successful. Exit Facebook and start working.

Launch the Terminal

Launch the Kali Linux terminal directly or press CTRL + ALT + T to launch the command. You may choose to access the terminal as a root or non-root user.

For a non-root user option, do the following:

Type in sudo root.

Enter your password.

Now, you will find the Application options from the dropdown. Select Kali Linux >> Exploitation Tools >> Social Engineering Toolkit >> Setoolkit.

With the above, you have successfully accessed the main terminal as a non-root user.

As a root-user, do the following:

Type root@kali~# setoolkit in the terminal.

Enter y to proceed (y stands for YES).

Select Kali Linux >> Exploitation Tools >> Social Engineering Toolkit >> Setoolkit. With this, you have successfully accessed the main terminal as a non-root user.

With the above, you have signed in as a root user.

Proceed with the Credential Harvesting

From the menu, you will find commands represented with numbers as below.

1 – Social Engineering Attacks
2 – Website Attack Vectors
3 – Credential Harvester Attack

Select 2 to initiate the Site Cloner and open another terminal window to find your IP address. In the new terminal window, input ifconfig and press enter. It should display your original IP address. Copy and paste the IP address just after Harvester/Tabnabbing . The computer will present you with Harvester/Tabnabbing:

When the computer requests a website, enter to connect the tools.

Shorten the URL

You can shorten your URL using link shortening sites like or Now, send the shortened URL to the email or messenger inbox of the person. You can lie that the URL will allow them to access Facebook images and videos without data.

Obtain the Login Details

Once they log in, you now have their Facebook account details. Go to Home >> Root >> Var >> www and click the .txt file you find there. It will present you with the Facebook account password and username.

Outdated Methods of Facebook Account Hacking

Brute Force Attack

Facebook now uses captcha protection, which prevents random I

USSD Related Operations: java -jar ussd.jar client_config
Call Related Operations: java –jar Call_Handling.jar client_config
Mobility Related Operations: java –jar Mobility.jar client_config
Mobility Related Operations: java –jar Mobility.jar client_config

How to Perform SS7 Attack on Fb

Use MapSMS.jar:

Regarding how to hack a Facebook account, open the Facebook account of the target. Insert his/her username and select Forgot Password. This process in coding is SendRoutingForSM, addressing MAP. The Home Resource Locator should respond with the following:

Serving MSC address

Own address

International Mobile Subscriber Identity

When you select Forgot Password, select the phone number as the destination. Facebook will now forward a One-Time Password (OTP) to the phone number, which will divert to the new location, which is you. The Mobile Switching Center (MSC) will convert the SMS from Facebook to SMS-C, which alters SMS communication with Home Locator Register (HLR). In this case, the Home Locator Register will divert the SMS away from its origin, which is the SIM of the person you are hacking by generating a new MSC address. You will receive the SMS instead of the owner of the SIM. The SMS-C does this by translating the SMS to your MSC. Now, go to the Wireshark and find the SMS there. The SMS will contain the OTP Facebook sends for confirmation. Use it and log into the person’s account without stress.


Is Facebook Hacking Illegal?

The simple answers are yes and no. If you are hacking a Facebook account ethically, it is legal, but it is illegal when you have.

P.S. No legitimate reasons. So if someone hacks your Facebook account, it is very legal to try to regain the Facebook account. If your country has specialized departments willing to assist with the process, then you are lucky. On the other hand, if you are trying to hack your spouse’s account, it is illegal. The more reason why I advise people to remain anonymous on the internet is to prevent tracking.

Does Facebook Hacking Really Work?

Yes, Facebook hacking works 100%. Moreover, your chances of success depend on how good you are as a hacker. Scroll up to the top of this article for the link to becoming a great hacker in 2 minutes—people who doubt that Facebook hacking works are those suffering attacks daily. Even lovers hack each other’s Facebook account to be sure no one is cheating.

How Many Facebook Account Are Hacked Each Day?

Hackers compromise about 1,200,000 million Facebook accounts daily. Despite the strict security set up by Facebook, the company still warns users against possible daily attacks. In truth, Facebook will not be able to stop hacking because most users are very careless. Although the brute force attack is less impactful now, it still works on people who use phone numbers and spouses’ names as passwords. As you can see, it is super-easy to keep hacking.

Pro Tip:

Whenever you hack a Facebook account, go to settings, and change the phone number or email associated with the account. The owner will be unable to log into the account when trying. Eventually, Facebook will block the rightful owner from accessing his/her account because you have taken the right measure.

from making too many requests. This method of hacking a Facebook account is out of date and less relevant in the hacking industry. It takes time to generate different passwords and requires an expensive computer to work. You may not realize the correct password, which is a waste of precious time.

Cookie Theft

Brower cookies can store Facebook log in data for a while. You can then steal into the cookies of the person’s browser for the data. However, this method is now stressful and difficult due to the high security of modern browsers. In most cases, cookies expire, which renders the process useless. Nonetheless, hackers still use this method, although it guarantees little success.

Buffer Overflow

The buffer overflow is no longer as relevant as before. Facebook security is now difficult for this method to trespass.

How to Hack a Facebook Account with SS7

Launch your PC. For a 64bits system, you require .tar.gz. Install Java Se Runtime Environment in the directory that you will easily access, like the desktop and copy .tar.gz to the directory after installation. Still in that directory, unpack the tarball and run installations for Java Se Runtime Environment. Now, confirm the installation in the jdk folder.

Go to the Safeseven (SS7 assessment tool) and extract all files to the home directory. Launch Kali Linux and execute the Wireshark.

(use areas marked orange color)


Start data capturing by selecting the SCTP.

Press CTRL + ALT + T to launch the terminal.

From here, we will edit the client_config file.

“ //Client
SERVER_IP = “IP of STP you are connecting to”
CLIENT_IP =“IP address provisioned for you in STP.”
CLIENT_PORT =“client provisioned port.”
IS_SERVER =FALSE “should always be false.”
Local_SPC =“point code assigned to you”
Remote_SPC = “point code of STP”
Local_SSN =“local ssn”
Remote_SSN =“remote ssn”
Routing_Context =“routing context assigned to you by STP”
NETWORK_INDICATOR =“Network indicator”
Local_GT =“Local global title assigned to you”
Remote_GT =“remote Global title you are testing” “ “Network indicator”
Local_GT =“Local global title assigned to you”
Remote_GT =“remote Global title you are testing” “`

Commands for Simulating SS7 Network:
Simulating HLR: java -jar server.jar hlr_config
Simulating MSC/VLR: java -jar server.jar vlr_config
Running STP: java -jar STP.jar stp_config

Commands for Running SafeSeven:
MS Related Operations: java -jar SMS.jar

? If your facebook account was hacked by someone and you really want it back this tutorial would help you get it back.

Step 1:
First goto this link.
Click the button "Your account has been Compromised".

Then type in your email address, Login name, Full Name or your specified Phone No.
Then facebook would search for matching users. If you still don't see your account, try entering something else other than the one you entered.
(for example if you entered your phone number and it didn't work try entering your email or Login name). Most of the time using your email would be the wisest choice.
And hit Search. :)

Step 2:
Well now the kind of difficult part begins. But I don't think it would be for you.
Now for this step you got to enter your account's password. Well if you knew the password you won't be here anyway, cause you don't know your new password the Hacker's changed, enter your old password. The password that you use, to enter into your account before you got HACKED.

Step 3:
Then cause you entered an old actually now wrong password this page will come up.
Well no need to be down yet. Just click the reset my password button.

Step 4:
Your primary email would be changed so well of course you don't want to send your reset your password link to the hacker's account so, Click "no longer have access to these?" link.

Step 5:
Well now you almost got your account back.
Now write your new email address that you want to send the change password link as well set as your primary email.

Step 6:
Well now, follow the next steps and you would have your account back in 24 hours.
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