How to get proper rest to improve your efficiency in carding


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Your time and life are under your control to the extent that you give up insignificant activities.

Brian Tracy.

In the modern world, in which the pace of life is accelerating every day, more and more people are thinking about how they can organize their time so that they can do everything they need to do.

This is a good trend in terms of personal growth. Knowledge of time management techniques, which just allow you to more competently manage your time, can be a lifeline in the pool of everyday routine.

But now I would like to talk on a different topic.

In pursuit of how to do more and better, most people make one typical mistake: they forget about planning a good rest, planning only things and only a work schedule. And without embedding good rest on a tired body, no time management techniques will work effectively. More precisely, their use will give a certain benefit, but it will be significantly lower than what can be achieved by combining quality work with good rest.

To recuperate, we, as a rule, use only one, maximum two types of rest (out of the four available). With this approach, only partial restoration of strength and energy occurs.

In situations where something stressful happens, or just an increase in the number of cases, the body becomes even harder. Those types of rest that are usually used become insufficient, fatigue begins to accumulate, and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) is formed.

To avoid this unpleasant syndrome and enjoy life, and all the time, and not only during the weekend, you need to have a proper rest. To do this, you need to remember only about two simple rules.

1) Be as careful about planning your vacation as you are planning your work.

Remember the anecdote when two friends meet, and one asks the other: "Tell me, do you have a day when you do household chores, wash, clean, fiddle with children and visit relatives, is it also called a day off?" So, this is a vivid example of how you can't do it!

2) The second point. Use all four types of rest.

The first type is emotional relaxation. Try to get out of the familiar environment and go / travel where you have never been. If you think about this topic, you will find tons of options for how you can do this without harming your wallet. Your goal is to get new positive emotions.

The second type is mental rest. Yes, this is also possible! And you need it, even if your job is in the field of intellectual activity. How can you use this kind of rest? One option is to find good literature and feed on new knowledge and new information.

An important point: books in this regard work much better than TV. Another option is audio castes, communication with an interesting person, and it is better to find someone who knows more than you - in this case, the recharge will be of better quality. Your goal is precisely to learn something new, give your brain food for thought and remove the plaque of the information that you receive all the time.

The third type is physical rest. One of the most used options that everyone knows about. Therefore, we will not dwell on this point in detail. The only remark is not to forget about active physical rest and, if possible, use it as often as possible.

The fourth is spiritual rest. One of the most difficult types of recreation to use, because many people not only do not know any special techniques, but are also skeptical about it, not considering it as a rest as such.

But, nevertheless, relaxation, meditation practices, yoga, self-hypnosis, turning to God (for those who know how to do this) are powerful tools for recuperation. Moreover, in some cases (for those who have experience of similar practices), they are more effective than ordinary physical or intellectual rest.