How to get money back that you sent or received by mistake


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You sent money to a friend, but he didn't receive it. It turned out that you made a mistake in the details and made the transfer to a stranger. It also happens vice versa - someone sent a tidy sum to your account, but you do not know why and why. What to do in such cases and can an erroneous translation be returned?

Case 1. You transferred money by mistake
It is possible to return this money, but it is difficult. Once the money has entered the account of another person or company, your bank will not be able to collect it from there.
You can try to contact the recipient and convince him to return the transferred amount to you voluntarily. If he doesn't agree, you can sue him. According to the Civil Code, erroneous receipt of other people's money is considered unjustified enrichment. So you have the right to file a claim for the recovery of this unreasonably received amount.

What can be done:

If you sent money to a phone number
This is an instant payment and cannot be revoked through your bank. Therefore, call or write to the person at whose number the money was transferred. Tell him that you made a transfer to him by mistake and ask for a refund. Offer to check the account so that he understands for sure that you are not a fraud. If you are lucky enough to get on an honest and conscientious citizen, there is a chance that he will enter your position and quickly return the money.

If you sent money by card or account number
Contact your bank, explain the situation and ask what can be done in this situation. Each bank has its own rules for returning erroneous payments, and the manager will tell you about them.
The bank usually transfers money within a few hours. If you contact the bank before it has made the payment yet, the transaction can be canceled.
If you specified non-existent details, the payment will not be made at all, or the money will be automatically returned to your account.
If the money has already gone to someone else's account, you will need to come to the bank and write an application for the return of the payment made by mistake. Perhaps the bank will help you get them back. But you need to understand that the bank is not obliged to do this.

If the previous methods did not work, but the amount is significant for you
You can file a lawsuit. It will take your time and money, but if you're determined to get justice, it's worth a try. The court will need to present convincing evidence that you sent the money by mistake.
For example, your mom's phone or card number differs by just one digit from a stranger's. Or you transfer $ 500 to the same account every month, but this month you made a mistake. You can ask the mobile operator for details of calls and show that you called the recipient's number of your money only once in your life - after you made an erroneous transfer.
In turn, the recipient of the money will have to provide evidence that he had the right to receive this amount from you - for example, for services. If there is no such confirmation, and your arguments prove to be convincing, the court will oblige the recipient to return the money to you.

Case 2. You received a translation by mistake
In fact, you do not have to fuss, spend your time and effort to find the sender and transfer this amount back. But according to the law, receiving this money is considered unjustified enrichment.
And although there is no punishment for this, you need to keep in mind that the owner of the money can sue you at any time. Therefore, it is better to return the amount received immediately.

How to proceed:

First, make sure that the money has actually been transferred to your account.
Fraudsters often send SMS messages allegedly on behalf of the bank that you have received a transfer. And then they call and ask to transfer the money back. Before taking any action, use the online bank or mobile bank to make sure that your account is actually funded.
“I received a text message that someone put $ 10 on my phone. Then the man called and said that he had mistakenly sent the amount to someone else's account (mine). I listened to him politely and offered to solve the problem with the help of the operator".
Be vigilant, do not step on someone else's rake!

Check if this is an exact error
It is quite possible that this money is yours by right. Maybe an old friend decided to pay you back or the management company made a recalculation for heating.
Contact your bank and request a statement on your account or payment order, on the basis of which the money was received. So you find out from whom and from what account the money came.
By the name of the sender, you can tell whether you know this person or not. If this is a company, call or write to it and specify what kind of payment it is.

Yet the money came by mistake, and you intend to return it
Contact the bank again, explain the situation and ask to transfer this amount back. The bank has the payer's details, and the operator will use them to make a reverse payment from your account without any problems.
Whatever payment or transfer you make, you should very carefully enter the details. It is better to recheck all the data several times than to spend a lot of time and effort correcting the error.